
Monday, October 10, 2011

Tattoo - Revisited (Part III)

Oh yeah, I'm back. Deal with it.

Got tried of playing with old ideas. Didn't help that the one I went back to; I'd lost all the Photoshop files for it. Bummer is; I knew I'd seen them recently. Like really recently. :(
I did get to play with it some, and it is still under the works, but I'm moving to a more simple idea; as I've YET to hammer down a tattoo idea when they all seem to be so complex. When they're complex, I try to play with them (Oh, that sounds bad. lol) 'til they're perfect. When I get close (dear lord...); well, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, right? So I keep working. Then the whole idea implodes - injuring only my self confidence, and itself - and even if I hit the magic Ctrl+Z, I see what it had become, and it never looks right again.

So! Simplicity to start; I have decided. Here's what I got...

I fully expect everyone's first response to be, "The hell... Castles?!"
No, rooks. Like chess. Ask my dad; I suck at chess. But I'm a thinker, and chess is very much a thinking man's game.
Then, by process of elimination; I picked the rook. I'm usually stable (so the castle part of the piece came into play), and I never screw around getting to where I'm going. I get there in a dead straight line. (For those of you who don't know, rooks move in straight lines.)

So it all made sense to me.

Thoughts? Anyone?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And there we have it!

So ends "Tattoo Day," and I did actually get shit stuff done. I nearly forgot after work, but a friend of mine was like, "Tattoo!" when I said I didn't know what to do.

You know who you are. :) Thank you for reminding me. Otherwise I would have remembered MUCH too late.

So I went back to my original idea. Removed some stuff, and so needed to move stuff around. New pictures can be found here; in the same place as every other time...

Tell me what you like, what you don't, what you feel I should change, add, remove. I'm open to input, but that doesn't mean if you SAY something I will DO it.

Now off to a movie. A scary movie; alone.
I need friends...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

And so; I declare tomorrow...

Tattoo Day!

I declared today T-shirt Day, and actually got stuff done one my t-shirt. I don't like the still unfinished product, but; I got far enough to realize that it wasn't going to turn out like I wanted. That's good enough for me.

So as ANY avid follower would know (as there are few - if not none - of you, I'll spill the beans) I've gone through several tattoo ideas, and trashed them all.
So tomorrow, I will revisit them all; and attempt to fix what I found to be broken, and make them BETTER!

I can already see it all crashing and burning, but let's hope for the best; shall we?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Struggle

I have officially scrapped all current tattoo ideas; as you can see here. I played with them for too long, and just couldn't make them look like how I wanted. *shrug*

So back to square one; and I'm still open to suggestions.

I'm starting to center around a quote from a song.
"Got to be the best,
Got to change the world."

-Muse (Butterflies and Hurricanes)
I like it. Stands out; means a lot. Good song too.
Anyway, back to whatever it was I was doing...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Just my luck...

I was getting home from the gym a bit ago, and just in awe of the sky. The lightning is brilliant right now.
It fills the sky; like when you open your eyes after being asleep, and a light is on right in your face. Mind you, this way it only lasts an instant.
Other times it cracks across the sky, but; instead of coming right down, you see the cloud where it starts from and it comes down in what's like a spiral around you.
It's hard to explain, and I'm sure you're going, "What the heck're you talking about, crazy?" I swear I'm not crazy, and the sight was awesome.

So I get out of my car, and am instantly drenched, so I don't care about running to the house. (Also, I have a MythBusters episode that proves running in the rain actually makes you more wet than walking. *shrug* Anyway...) It'slate enough I don't have to worry about people driving on the street, so I walk to the house on the path I know so well; eyes huge and looking up at the sky.

I feel water under the soles of my shoes, so I glance down at my next step into deeper water; curse, and do a crossover into the middle of the street.

Hold your breath. What happened isn't what you're probably thinking. Relax...

My foot goes right into the water. No, "Ah, water's leaking in the bottom of my shoe." It was water to just below the ankle. I was like :| "Not fun."

Totally forgot the road in front of the driveway didn't drain right. We have a pond.
Being in Kingston, I forgot the little things about my home in Ottawa. :(

So I got to my front door; shoes drenched, socks sopping wet. This - we all know - is just not fun.
But still... the lightning was beautiful. Kinda ticked I brought my camera to Kingston already. I would've loved a picture. :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Gentleman's Code - Part II

The second rule to be entered into The Gentleman's Code is as follows;
"A gentleman shall only say 'I love you,' when it is meant, and not simply to get him places.
It is good to get places, but there are other ways to do so that are more 'gentlemanly.' Words are powerful, and should be used appropriately."

Again, not a designated Rule II, but it is the second rule entered.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What is Love?

A post from my "youth." I was 16 at the time.
Took a walk down memory lane today.

Who can truly and honestly say they know?  The dictionary calls it fourteen nouns, seven verbs and five idioms, all of which have different definitions.  What confusion.  Out of those definitions there is, "a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person," as well as an "object or thing so liked," and "to hug and cuddle."  Three different definitions of the twenty-six different definitions that can be seen.  I define love, and you can quote me, as "your soul's recognition of its counter part in another," which, if I may add, is not in the dictionary.  Not that it would help at all.  But who knows, I may be wrong.  I can certainly be called wrong.  But wouldn't it be awesome if we actually knew. Just a passing thought, that's all.

Now, I got much shit about attempting to define love before. To be clear; I wasn't attempting to define it, I was merely saying how I relate to the term and idea.
So before you start to chew my ass out over it (as many did five years ago), know that.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Gentleman's Code - Part I

Thank you Barney Stinson for writing us The Bro Code, but we still need another set of rules, that (unfortunately) may contradict The Bro Code.
I shall call it, The Gentleman's Code.

Eat me.

First rule to be entered;
"Thou shall not court more than one woman at the same time."

I am obeying said rule currently.
More to follow as I come up with them.

Please note, this is not (decidedly Rule I) it is simply the first I've come up with.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A quick tidbit...

Dad and I spoke about moving to Kingston, with one of his clients today. One of the ones that loves to talk. She was quite set in stone that we should not go, as she likes having us as company when we're over.

We went and started work, and when I got back to where she was we chatted again; as we usually did.
I told her it'd be fine, dad had sold his business to a good fellow, and, she shouldn't worry because I'll be around a while still, so we could still chat. I assured her I knew how she felt about people who didn't "belong." Kind of like I am with my room; it's my sanctuary, where I feel uncomfortable when those that are uninvited come in.
After a few minutes of chatting, she seemed a little more welcoming to the new owner.

As I went to leave the room (we'd spoken of how she loved Kingston, and used to go there all the time) she told me that "I'd like Kingston, and find a new girl -" I kind of cut her off. It may've been rude, but I'm not going to be looking for anyone in Kingston.
"I'm keeping my girl. I've been with many girls, and only loved one. I'm not leaving her."

After I left he room, and rethought what I'd said, I realized how much a whore I sounded like (I've been with many girls, not like BEEN been with many girls; as in "I've been in - what feels like - many relationships").
Also for everyone's clarity, "I'm not leaving her," as in "we aren't breaking up," not, "she's coming with me."
And "loved" is not like, "I loved her, and don't anymore." More like present-tense, but past-tense is how it fits in the sentence.

...see it now?

Anyway. That's my little tidbit...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Reader's Discretion is Advised - Part II

Oh yeah, Part II came that quick.
They just hopped in the fucking shower again.

This is completely rude and inconsiderate.
Something must be done!

Reader's Discretion is Advised

The following will contain explicit sex references, much course language,
and strong suggestions of violence.

I would take this to my dad, as that's what I was supposed to do. But I took two incidents to him, and neither were "resolved."

Issue one...

The first weekend after my sister got together with her new boyfriend; my parents went away for the weekend. Guess who stayed over. Not over only did he stay over; they slept together, in my parents bed.
Oh yeah, they did the dirty. They fucked all night in my parents bed. They woke Ashley and I up, as they were being obnoxious and loud.

I even have some quotes... He wished his "first time was like [this]. Nice and passionate; no one walking in on them." Yeah, I could hear you asshole.

I didn't disturb my parents with his information as they were away, and I wanted them to enjoy their weekend. When my parents came home, I asked my dad politely to let me know the rules of the house when they were away, and how I was to enforce them.
I learned boys could stay with permission, but on the couch.
If something was against the rules, I was not to step in, but call my dad, and he would deal with it.

When brought up to my sister (by my dad) she said that they'd fallen asleep by accident.
Right, if you fell asleep, it was because you were tired from you ridiculous amounts of sex.
Accident my ass.

Issue two...

The next time my parents were away, guess who didn't bother to come home. If you guessed, "my sister," you'd be right.
Not only that, she'd been brought home from school because she was "sick" that afternoon. I heard her go out, oh... around maybe 9 or 10, but I'll say 11 to be kind. I went to the main floor to see what was up around, mmm 1am. The gate was locked to go to her room, so the dogs couldn't get upstairs, and her purse wasn't at the table or on the stool where it usually is.

A boy wasn't over, so I didn't bother to text my dad to say there was issue.

I went to bed around 3 or 4, and checked to see what was going on upstairs.
Front door unlocked as it is when she goes out, gate still locked to get upstairs, and no purse.

The purse is the auto-tell if she is or isn't home. I mentioned it to dad, and said, "I understand the purse may go to her room at off times -" but was quickly cut off, and told that the purse NEVER goes upstairs.
The purse isn't there. = She isn't home.

I woke up around 6 or 7 because the puppies were lonely, barking, and whining. So I went to console them, and make them calm down. While I was up I checked everything; the door was still unlocked, the gate was still locked, and the purse - oh look at that - still not there.

At 8 or 9 - in the morning - the front door opened; the dogs freaked out, and woke me up. TWO people came in and made a stupid amount of noise. I waited for them to go away, and then went and checked what was going on upstairs.
Front door locked, her boyfriend's shoes at the front door, gate done up, but unlocked, and purse on the table. Huh...

When my parents got back, I brought this information to them; and the shit storm seemed to be locked. She'd dug her own grave.

She proceeded to stay out past curfew again, which would make her in so much more trouble.

Apparently not; she got out of the bind with saying that she got back around 4, which is complete bullshit. The waterworks made my dad become a softy, and got her out of all trouble. Also - in my eyes - complete bullshit.
Then she yelled and screamed and swore and slammed doors, and continued to get away with it. Oh she got a "firm talking to," but no punishment; just "Tut tut, don't do it again."
*shakes head*

Issue three...

THIS weekend - oh look! My parents are away again. Who'd've thought...
I'm staying in my parents room, so the puppies have someone to be with at night, and aren't lonely again. It's working out great.

I moved my stuff upstairs last night, and when I went for a (quite literally) midnight snack; she came home. She was in and out of the house a bunch of times. Then finally - after I'd been in the kitchen a while - he came in too. They both went up to her room, and; oh yeah, he spent the night.

The way I see it; it doesn't matter what's said, and what proof I have, she'll never get trouble. So why should I bother wasting my time texting to say, "He's spending the night in her bed." Keep in mind, I'm across the hall in my parents room.

I fell asleep around 3am, woke up at 5:50 because the dogs wanted to go out. Oh look, his shoes were still here. Bring the puppies back upstairs and go to sleep, wake up at 9 to call the Ranch because, I was on-call to find out if I had work today. I didn't get work.
Checked for the shoes, and; OH YEAH! They're still THERE...

Eventually they wake up, make noise, blah blah.
Then they go out, and come back. Then someone goes in the bathroom, turns on music loud, and goes for a shower. I thought I was hearing HIM talk down a floor on the XBox. Keep in mind, I'm still in my parents room with the puppies and the bathroom's the NEXT room. I looked downstairs 'cause I was hungry, and he's not in the living room. Huh...

So I pause outside the bathroom, and - well does anyone have any guesses?
His voice was coming from the bathroom. Her voice; coming from the bathroom. Oh, and they're having sex, in the shower.

They were having sex, loud enough for me to hear in the next room, over TV and their music.

Look... They're called fucking manners, and respect.
Neither of them respect me, my parents, or the rules that have been set.
Solutions? Either I get more authority to enforce the set rules, and ways to do so, or; she goes to live in Kingston with my dad, where his new job is.
Pick, 'cause I can control myself enough to just drag his ass down the stairs and throw him out on the curb; even though I'd like the kick the shit out of him before and after.

I just wants SOMEthing to be done, so my sister stops getting away with fucking murder. It's ridiculous.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tattoo - Revisited (Part II)

So I decided to go with the cassette, which leaves two things...
One, do I stick with the plain cassette like the picture I posted, or modify it some more to really make it my own, and; two, where should I get it?

All that being said, I have modified it, but am still open to the old, unmodified cassette.

Kinda looking for some comments from others. I have - of course - spoken to Ashley, and listened to what she had to say, but we didn't really get to finish the conversation, and my ideas were only words. Now I have PICTURES!!!

Here's the pictures; I look forward to hearing everyone's words of advice. :)
And yes, all songs are actual songs, and all time's are actual times. I don't screw around with stuff like that. :P

The Original Idea

Use Somebody
Kings of Leon
Same as <-- plus the song length.
Still the One
Shania Twain
Same as <-- plus the song length.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

News Concerning the PSN... - Part II

So... Yesterday Gamespot told us that Playstation "says it plans to have its online systems fully back online by May 31" (J. Douglas).

In an article posted by Gamespot today; journalist Tor Thorsen claims that, Playstation says their online "services won't be restored until the end of the week--at the earliest."
I get that they're giving us an "earliest possible date and/or time," but how about we hammer it down, and then release our articles.

That being said, both articles may be telling the truth; I just find it frustrating that it ALL couldn't be said in ONE article. See where I'm coming from?
Could they not have gotten together and written that Playstation's services won't be restored in less than a week, but will be available by the end of May? Does that not make sense, and save time?

The helper - in all this - is Playstation released an article today.
"I know you all want to know exactly when the services will be restored. At this time, I can’t give you an exact date, as it will likely be at least a few more days. We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work through this process."

- Patrick Seybold
// Senior Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media
--(PSN Restoration Timeline Update)
So, all in all; no one really knows when it'll be back.
It doesn't help that he neither confirmed or denied that it would take to the end of the month, but kept our hopes up that it may be back soon, "as it will likely be at least a few more days." (P. Seybold)

I get that Playstation doesn't know how long it may take to be functioning again, but don't get our hopes up if you can't follow through.

All I can say - as of today - is thank GOODNESS Brink's offline gameplay translates into online XP and levels too. Gives me something to work on until the PSN comes back.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A LOSR on the Brink!

I was browsing Brink feedback (Brink is a video game), as it's released in less than two hours.
Went to the EB Games website and found this...

I feel like... I know this guy...
Can anyone help me out?

News concerning the PSN...

Gamespot at around noon today said that the PSN (Playstation Network), which has been down since mid-April, will be back around the end of the month. Ok, "around the end" is too vague. The date is set at "May 31st." That is the end. Details can be read here. I found the little video at the end of the article informative, (but long) and cute.

Playstation had told us in a Press Release (on May 1st) that the PSN would be back up and running sometime that week. On May 6th, they told us;
"We’ve begun the process of restoring the service through internal testing of the new system. We’re still working to confirm the security of the network infrastructure."

- Playstation (Service Restoration Update)
They also told us that it would be another week, as they forgot they needed to test it.

Anyway, now they've set a date (that they as a company haven't come out and said yet, but feel free to release to outside sources) that is a little more realistic than the last ones.
I am a wee bit frustrated, as I've had to watch Netflix on my laptop, rather than my TV, but; I can't wait to be able to play online again.

This time will allow me to work out the new game I plan to buy tomorrow. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tattoo - Revisited

So, to all who didn't know... my last tattoo idea - as seen in Where I'm Whirring Right Now - crashed and burned, so I have been on the search again. My search has been long, tireless, and with no end in site (until recently, maybe).

For starters, I did reach out to my readers for help (the small number you are), and; I did receive some feedback. I thank those of you who attempted to aid my search, profusely. Your ideas did not fall on blind eyes, and deaf ears. (You know who you are.)
That being said, this door is not closed. I'm still welcoming ideas, even though I have come up with two - yes two - of my own possibilities.

I played with may ideas of refereeing, but couldn't make any stick out to my eye, and into my mind, as; hugely creative and unique. One that would not have a random person see it and go, "Sorry, I don't get it." Essentially, self explanatory to a point.
An example being, "I see the quill. It's beautiful. What does it symbolize?" kind of deal. This of course not being MY tattoo, but; a perfect example of the simplicity, and yet intricacy that I'm in search of.

My new ideas tie me to the era in which I was born into; the 90s. Let's face it; I am a 90s child. Among the first of the decade. Super Nintendo was THE game system to own, alongside the Sega Genesis.
I watched the computers we know today become common place in households, along with cell phones, and laptops.
I saw the start and end of the ORIGINAL GameBoy, GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Colour, GameBoy Advance, and Gamboy SP, PS1, PS2, N64, XBox, and GameCube.
The birth of the Wii, the PS3, and the XBox 360, the CD, DVD, BluRay, flat screen, plasma TV, and of course the iPod.
And in all this I saw the death of cassette tapes, and the VCR with its VHS tapes.

And this leads to my new ideas...

First, the cassette tape. Not only did it bring me music, but the NEVER forgotten "books on tape," that I loved; mostly so I wouldn't actually need to READ the books. (These books had nothing to do with school, to clarify.)

Now, most people have a love of music - this I do not claim for myself. But I have a tie to music that started as a child. Let's be blunt, shall we? My dad is a kick ass singer. From him I learned to sing, and this increased, and still to this day increases my love for music.

The first music I heard would have been on a cassette, but now it's more likely to come from a CD, or MP3 player of some sort. All the Harry Potter I listened to on tape, eventually moved over to CD, and is now located on my iPod, for easy listening.

So there it is; the cassette.

Second, VHS. I never know what to call it. "The VHS," or "the tape that goes in the VCR." What ever you call it, it was the first thing I would have watched a movie on, and I do love my movies.

I remember having two WALLS of VHS tapes, and recording whatever TV shows I wanted to watch in my room. That's how I watched Pokémon.
Now we have only the best of movies still on VHS, but the movie industry are making DVDs of them, and reselling them. Don't get me wrong; it's a good move on their part, just it's annoying that we can't swap them ourselves. Know what I mean?

There it is; the VHS tape.

So all in all, I've got to things that I've seen die (so to speak) in my lifetime, and both have drastically shaped their industry. All I have to do is pick, put some finishing touches on them, and that will be that.

Now, I've heard tattoos are like Pringles. Pringles' slogan being "I bet you can't eat just one." The tie between the two being that a tattoo, most can't only get just one. (Not judging, just saying.) So that being said, the referee idea is not completely down the tubes, just put on hold; so to speak. And whichever I choose from here - to START - the other wouldn't be trashed, just also put on hold. So really, finishing touches are all I need right now. And ideas are welcome for ALL these. ("All these" being the refereeing idea, and the cassette and VHS (as seen above).) So please, I'd love to hear your two - or perhaps three - cents. (If 50 Cent's reading (which I highly doubt), all your input is welcome too. lol)


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No seriously; REALLY?!

Be forewarned; I'm not in a good bloody mood...

I have been violated to the furthest extent one can be violated (when rape is removed from the list).

My room is my sanctuary. It's where all my stuff is; where I can be me; where I can relax, and be alone; where I feel all my things are safe when I'm not even home. This makes sense, yes?

Well apparently, that's wrong.

The last two times I've been away from my house some son of a bitch decides my room's free game.

Last time, my laptop was on the WRONG side of the couch, on my choir binder, which was originally ON the couch, but had been moved to a "table" (for lack of a better fucking term). The cord that I plug my laptop into the wall with, was set aside so who ever the asshole who was in my room was, wouldn't step on it when they came in and out.
There was other stuff that was fucked up, that drove me up the wall; stuff on my desk moved, not in the right place, etc. Specifics, I can't remember for sure...

THIS time, my alarm clock was fucked up. It has a projector, that shows the time on the ceiling; it was at the comPLETE wrong fucking angle from pointing at the ceiling. That can ONLY mean that someone was going through my things. There's no reason at ALL to be anywhere near my alarm clock without going through my things. Shit on my desk was all over the place again. I mean really; try harder to make it unnoticeable. Like FUCK!

And I haven't gotten to the end of it yet. My bed - oh yeah, MY bed. The one I sleep in - had been pulled apart. Not like ripped apart, but the sheets, and pillows weren't how I left them. It was like someone was screwing around in my bed. Yeah, I said that. "Like SOMEone was SCREWING around in my BED!"
Tell me that doesn't make your stomach crawl. TELL ME and MEAN IT!

It makes me wonder, "Was that why my laptop and choir binder were moved before? Was someone getting their fuck on, on my couch?" And that process only continues, twisting my brain - quite easily - to, "Was my bed used last time?" Because I didn't change the sheets, which is gross. And Ashley stayed over this weekend, which is even MORE gross.

Needless to say, I've now put my sheets in the fucking wash.

The list of things I WON'T do to that prick, is much fucking smaller than what I will do.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Elections Draw Ever Closer

As the election day gets closer, I received my voter card thing. Told me what electoral district I'm voting in, which aided in narrowing my voting field.

I'm part of the Nepean--Carleton District, which means I can vote between. five different parties...

The Pirate Party of Canada 
Party Leader: Mikkel Paulson
MY District's Candidate: David Ian Ascroft
It's all about internet stuff. No REAL usable everyday stuff. 

The Green Party of Canada 
Party Leader: Elizabeth May
MY District's Candidate: Jean-Luc Cooke
Well they don't offer much at all. Damn hippies... How the hell d'you expect to get anywhere?
Not to mention you're a bunch of hypocrites. Your elections signs are MASSIVE. Way to be ecologically friendly. *shakes head* 

New Democratic Party 
Party Leader: Jack Layton
MY District's Candidate: Ric Dagenais
Capping credit card rates; reducing cost of everyday essentials; make sure more of each paycheque makes it home; reWARD job creators (They smacked Harper in the face by saying HE put our tax dollars to work sending work overseas, whereas they'd do it on Canadian soil.); make prescription meds more affordable; strengthen pensions; make childcare and education more accessable, and; improve employment insurance.

The Liberal Party of Canada 
Party Leader: Michael Ignatieff
MY District's Candidate: Ryan Keon
Liberals LOOK good, but I mean they were in power a while too. Like, right up to before I voted for the first  time, and THEY couldn't get shit done either.

The Conservative Party of Canada 
Party Leader: Steven Harper
MY District's Candidate: Pierre Poilievre
Well, I voted Conservative last election, and they won, and nothing really happened. So that shows me that whatever they SAY they have planned... well, to be blunt; it's a load of shit.

So... from the picks I've been narrowed down to, I guess I'll vote --

Rough Day

As the title says; I've been having a "rough day."

Got up for work; it felt like it was MUCH too early. It was the same time as every OTHER Tuesday, but toDAY, it just felt too early. Know what I mean?

Work was rough (I guess you could call it "rough"). Not to complain but the vacuum head for hard floors doesn't turn clockwise... so when you reach across the floor any way but straight, it either locks and won't pick stuff up, or turns so you can pick stuff up, and then won't straighten out when you bring it back.
This kinda ruins ALL routines, as one frequently needs to stop, pick up the vacuum head, and rotate the brush (counter-clockwise) JUST less than 360 degrees, to make it straight again. ("One" being "me.")

This mightn't sound like a big deal, but it really really is. Odds are you don't vacuum for a living (or - if you do -  haven't had this happen to you) so really; you don't know.

Got home. Printed off a resume to go and hand in somewhere. Doesn't matter where, point is I am STILL on the bloody job search, and I doubt it will even come to an end, even though I've gone as to make my own "business" to just TRY and help me make SOME money.
Alas, all attempts have failed at trying to make money. I feel like I may have more luck as a homeless beggar. Now IS the time of year for it. It is warmer than winter.

I recently changed an "October" to the month before it, on my resume. Yeah, that'd be "September." But as I rewrote my resume on an application to this place - that shall remain nameless, as it was kinda skeevy *shiver* - I realized I wrote it "Spetember."
What spell-checker  doesn't know that THAT's not even a bloody word?! Microsoft's spell-checker apparently, there's a red squiggly line under it in Google Chrome. But apPARently, Microsoft doesn't know that "Spetember" isn't a word!!!

The only good news here is that as far as I know, I only handed out two (including the one today).
Unfortunately, the other one; I e-mailed to someone who said they'd help me on my job search. So IF she printed it off to hand to her friends, I just hope to god she noticed, and changed it.

I'm so screwed, and it seems to be ALL my own doing...
Why do I bother...

And NOW, I'm STARving, but dunno when dinner is, so I'm not sure if I should bother making anything.
On top of that I'm trying to watch Highlander, on Netflix. Most times I try and log into Netflix, it pulls a "Netflix is currently unavailable due to server maintenance." At 10:00/10:30/11:00 at night?! Are you KIDDING ME?!
Between last night and this afternoon they put all SIX seasons into one thing. So you can click on "Highlander" and are supPOSEd to be able to watch them all right there. Well this shit isn't working so my bad mood only gets worse...
I was planning to watch to relieve stress, and now I'm getting this crap... You've got to be KIDding me.
Who the hell has it out for me?!

"The gloves are off, God."
"God has taken my bird and my bush."
"God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass." Then something about my being an ant, and he's seared off my feelers, and enjoying watching me squirm.
"Smite me, O Mighty Smiter."
- Jim Carrey (Bruce Almighty)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Politics with Elections Looming

So federal elections are coming up soon. If you haven;t noticed, the signs are already up on most street corners. "Vote for ME!"

I had said (before the elections had come up) that I did not plan to vote. I mean, let's face it; politics ARE stupid. But you know, I decided to check if any could make (what sounded like) valid promises to make my life easier.

Before I get started with parties and their platforms (or at least what I find good, and interesting about them) - oh yeah, I'm going there. I'm stepping into talking openly about politics - did you know there was a "Work Less Party"? Their slogan was "Alarm clocks kill dreams," and they were campaigning for a 32 hour work week. How awesome. lol
They became eligible in 2007, a registered party in 2008, and then voluntarily deregistered in 2010.

Parties and Platforms
Or All That's Useful of Them

Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada
Party Leader: Liz White
All about the animals and wildlife, which is good, but I mean; after that, they have nothing else.
I'm not interested. Yeah, "'Woo!' for the animals and the environment," but there's nothing there for me as a person.

Bloc Québécois
Party Leader: Gilles Duceppe
Yeah... no, not gonna happen. The entire website's in French, so I can't read it. On top of that, if they actually pulled off a win, I'd have to cross the border to visit Ashley. Let's face it; border crossings are no fun to begin with. Why would I ever condone making a border I'd have to cross so frequently?

The Canadian Action Party
Party Leader: Christopher Porter
Kinda trippy. I like their health care stuff, until they start going off about... well, making "natural holistic remedies available under Medicare." I mean cool, but I mean, that could throw off a bunch of current medically trained people.
"Foster a genuine Canadian drug industry vs. giant for profit U.S. drug industry." Sweet, but aren't most of the American drugs what people currently use?
And they talk about placing "emphasis on how poverty, stress and pollution affect health."
It all kind of makes me worry.

Then they go off about understanding "that any decent health-care system in this country requires three major changes." These changes being that we "must cancel the Canada/U.S. Free Trade Agreement and NAFTA because these 'trade' deals give U.S. corporations the right to challenge the very existence of Medicare by claiming it is a trade irritant which distorts the 'free' market. We can do so with six months notice"; then "stop the sell-out of Canada to large foreign corporations, and maintain control over our resources and industries. A country is no longer independent - and can't afford social programs - if its assets and decision-making are controlled beyond its borders." Ending this idea with, "The end of Canada means the end of Medicare"; and finally "we must reform our monetary system. Right now, our money creation is a virtual monopolyof the private banks. The Canadian Action Party will return to the economic and monetarysystem we had from 1939 to 1974 when the money-creation function was shared between the government of Canada, through the Bank of Canada, and private banks. This would provide the fiscal flexibility necessary to fund health care and other essential services without increasing taxes."
All this can be found on their site.

As currently I'm looking for ways to make my diabetes more manageable. By "manageable," I mean "affordable," and this party seems to be able to pull that off; or CLAIM to be able to pull that off.
I shall keep reading, and you will be my witness(es). :)

The Christian Heritage Party of Canada
Party Leader: James "Jim" Hnatiuk
Well, gosh... Aren't religion and politics two of the two things you DON'T mention at the dinner table? And my god, here's two of them.

Now my official stance on spirituality and religion is "agnosticism," which is (in laymen's terms) "on the fence," neither believing or disbelieving, and open to proof of a belief (or disbelief) if it chooses to present itself. (This is not an invitation to attempt to sway me either way. I'm just saying. If you have tangible proof, then by ALL MEANS, do share. Otherwise, I'm really not interested; to be clear.)
That being said; before taking a look at this party's site, I was very hesitant (especially after seeing that religion was part of their name). Once I opened up the website and their man thing was "Think adoption; not abortion," I was done.

The Communist Party of Canada
Party Leader: Miguel Figueroa
You know, after reading a bit... It doesn't sound SO bad...
Remove NAFTA (like The Canadian Action Party) to ease up on economy and health care stuff; the top priority of their campaign being making jobs, but shortening the work week without loss in pay; defend the environment; "Expand democratic political rights; promote equality for women and people of colour"; a "democratic constitutional reform, based on recognition of the full equality of Quebec with the rest of Canada, and guarantees of full aboriginal rights"; "cut military spending by 50%; convert military to civilian job," and; "safeguard the rights of people with disabilities Act against racism, sexism and homophobia."

The Conservative Party of Canada
Party Leader: Steven Harper
Well, I voted Conservative last election, and they won, and nothing really happened. So that shows me that whatever they SAY they have planned... well, to be blunt; it's a load of shit.
Pass for me.

The Green Party of Canada
Party Leader: Elizabeth May
Well they don't offer much at all. Damn hippies... How the hell d'you expect to get anywhere?
Not to mention you're a bunch of hypocrites. Your elections signs are MASSIVE. Way to be ecologically friendly. *shakes head*

The Liberal Party of Canada
Party Leader: Michael Ignatieff
Liberals LOOK good, but I mean they were in power a while too. Like, right up to before I voted for the first  time, and THEY couldn't get shit done either.
Pass again.

The Libertarian Party of Canada
Party Leader: Dennis Young
They push for more freedom. Shrink the government, and make it the people's servant. Essentially, keep George Orwell's 1984 from becoming reality. They actually SAY that. Isn't that sad?

The Marijuana Party
Party Leader: Blair Longley
Their little thing says "Bloc Pot" and all they say is that they ARE a registered party, but "Radical Marijuana is NOT 'mainstream.'"

Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
Party Leader: Anna Di Carlo
Main message: Anti-War

New Democratic Party
Party Leader: Jack Layton
Capping credit card rates; reducing cost of everyday essentials; make sure more of each paycheque makes it home; reWARD job creators (They smacked Harper in the face by saying HE put our tax dollars to work sending work overseas, whereas they'd do it on Canadian soil.); make prescription meds more affordable; strengthen pensions; make childcare and education more accessable, and; improve employment insurance.
Huh... We MAY have a winner; their only real competition (in my eyes) is The Communist Party, and the Canadian Action Party.
I mean, in reality they have to contend with the Liberals and Conservatives, but that's only because people vote Liberal to keep Conservatives out of power, and people vote Conservative to keep Liberal out of power. They really should LOOK at their other options. The two that have been contenders since, god knows when, are CLEARLY duds.

The People Political Power Party of Canada
Party Leader: Roger Poisson
Lame. No information online.

The Pirate Party of Canada
Party Leader: Mikkel Paulson
It's all about internet stuff. No REAL usable everyday stuff.

The Progressive Canadian Party
Party Leader: Sinclair Stevens
That's just a lot of "Blah blah blah..."

The United Party of Canada
Party Leader: Brian Jedan
Raising the threshold at which people start paying tax. Better pensions. Universal healthcare. Free post-secondary education?!

So after my time spent reading through and compiling information, I'm stuck between voting for a "contender," and two no names. NDP (being the "contender"), The Communist Party, and The United Party of Canada (being the no names).
Who will win? I'll keep y'all posted.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Master Procrastinator

At least I'll admit to it though. :)
But since I've been out of school, I don't really have "due dates," which makes it hard to stay the Master Procrastinator I really am. I mean, I could forget (whether on purpose, or actually by accident) a school project until the LAST POSSIBLE day, and still pull out an awesome project and get amazing marks. Well, maybe just decent marks, but no where near a fail.

Now... There aren't due dates on things, or "projects" to do.
Things I now procrastinate on; going to bed, chores, waking up, putting away laundry, sending e-mails, leaving the house... just stuff like that.

For instance, I JUST started writing here.
Then I started watching the first season of Inspector Gadget (which was lame (I only got to episode 2)).
Now I'm watching a movie (The Last Legion), to find out that 2011 Academy Award Winner for Actor in  Leading Role (Colin Firth), Ben Kingsley, Kevin McKidd (Grey's Anatomy), John Hannah (Spartacus: Blood and Sand), and Alexander Siddig (he's in pretty much everything)... are all in this movie. (Not a bad pick, I guess...)
Then I made myself pizza, and am just now getting back to what I should really be working on now; this. lol
On TOP of that, I should clearly be working on the choral arranging of The Doobie Brothers, but everyone's sleeping, so that's challenging.
See I'm good at that. lol

Anyway, things that are important to do I somehow get some delay on. But "NEVER FEAR!" they will be done, and done well.

That is all.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I remember...

I'm sitting in my room, watching a movie. Kinda making me wish I was better with music. Reading it, writing it, etc.

But with the movie, I'm remembering the old days... which have nothing to do with music. lol
Thinking back to elementary school; man those were rough times. I met a lot of people I no longer talk to, simply because they weren't really people I spent time with. I kept one friend from there.
Shocking, I know.

High school can be summed up in one sentence, "Oh, the drama." Most of which was completely unnecessary. Now, I wasn't the starter of said drama, by by god; I wouldn't let some of it go by without giving a little push. Admit it - even if it's just to yourself - stuff like that can be quite fun. :)

After all the bad decisions, and (of course with high school comes girls, and dating, which can only result in) girl issues, I did walk away with a handful of friends. Few of which - unfortunately - do I speak with often. In all honesty, I do regret it, but it's not ALL me. What we used to talk about was school, and class, and DRAma; but as school's done, and we don't have the same teachers, classmates, subjects... we really don't have much to talk about. *shrug*

I mean, I graduated going, "K, I have three people I can keep talking to. I wasn't overly social, so that's understandable; and I'm totally fine with that. But we'll still talk, and it'll be like old times." Yeah... not so much.

But looking back, high school (or at least the later years of it) was probably the best years of my life.
Unfortunate as that's supposed to be a cliche, agreed?

Chilling in dance class... Talking about stupidness, and god knows what...
Good times, good times.

But for all those good times there was always something missing. And to find that missing bit, I needed to go to college... No, not THAT. *shakes head* What do you people take me for...

My life feels like it sucks right now; enough to make me look back to the past, with much focus on high school friends. I'd say, "I wish I was still there," or "I wish I could go back," if it were true, but it's not. All the friends and good times were awesome, but there's one thing - one person - that makes right now better than the past.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

And the beat goes on... LOSRs

Why wouldn't there be more LOSRs today?

I know at first glance, "That's not lame," but look at the timestamps... It's annoying as all get out.
She's cute in her tweets and all, but so many consecutively... it's annoying.

Lame Online Social Network Recognitions (LOSRs)

Here're some more LOSRs to start you off this morning...

I'm sorry Lady Gaga, but shameless self promoting for a Satelite Radio show you're on seems doesn't sit well with me. Not to mention; it's for the *shiver* Oprah Network. Don't... Just don't...

When you say "(check previous tweet)" and you last tweet ended with "[link] - ad," that's annoying to no end.
In case you were wondering.

Also, preaching when you're clearly not a preacher drives me mad.
I have no issue with god, or believers or whatever. But using a social networking site to push it is LAME.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2011 Oscar Nominees (And My Picks, of Course)

Actor in a Leading Role

Javier Barde

Jeff Bridges
"True Grit"

Jesse Eisenberg
"The Social Network"

Colin Firth
"The King's Speech"

James Franco
"127 Hours"

Actor in a Supporting Role

Christian Bale
"The Fighter"

John Hawke
"Winter's Bone"

Jeremy Renner
"The Town"

Mark Ruffalo
"The Kids are All Right"

Geoffrey Rush
"The King's Speech"

Actress in a Leading Role

Annette Benning
"The Kids are All Right"

Nicole Kidman
"Rabbit Hole"

Jennifer Lawrence
"Winter's Bone"

Natalie Portman
"Black Swan"

Michelle Williams
"Blue Valentine"

Actress in a Supporting Role

Amy Adams
"The Fighter"

Helena Bonham
"The King's Speech"

Melissa Leo
"The Fighter"

Hailee Steinfeld
"True Grit"

Jacki Weaver
"Animal Kingdom"

Animated Feature Film

"How to Train Your Dragon"
Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois

"The Illusionist"
Sylvain Chomet

"Toy Story 3"
Lee Unkrich

Art Direction

"Alice in Wonderland"
Robert Stromberg (Production Design)
Karen O'Hara (Set Decoration)

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I"
Stuart Craig (Production Design)
Stephenie McMillan (Set Decoration)

Guy Hendrix Dyas (Production Design)
Larry Dias and Doug Mowat (Set Decoration)

"The King's Speech"
Eve Stewart (Production Design)
Judy Farr (Set Decoration)

"True Grit"
Jess Gonchor (Production Design)
Nancy Haigh (Set Decoration)


"Black Swan"
Matthew Libatique

Wally Pfister

"The King's Speech"
Danny Cohen

"The Social Network"
Jeff Cronenweth

"True Grit"
Roger Deakins

Costume Design

"Alice in Wonderland"
Colleen Atwood

"I Am Love"
Antonella Cannarozzi

"The King's Speech"
Jenny Beavan

"The Tempest"
Sandy Powell

"True Grit"
Mary Zophres


"Black Swan"
Darren Arnofsky

"The Fighter"
David O. Russel

"The King's Speech"
Tom Hooper

"The Social Network"
David Fincher

"True Grit"
Joel Coen and Ethan Coen

Documentary (Feature)

"Exit Through the Gift Shop"
Banksy and Jaimie D'Cruz

Fox and Trish Adlesic

"Inside Job"
Ferguon and Audrey Marris

Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger

Lucy Walker and Angus Aynsley

Documentary (Short Subject)

"Killing the Name"

"Poster Girl"

"Strangers No More"
Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon

"Sun Come Up"
Jennifer Redfearn and Tim Metzger

"The Warrior of Quigang"
Ruby Yang and Thomas Lennon

Film Editing

"Black Swan"
Andrew Weisblum

"The Fighter"
Pamela Martin

"The King's Speech"
Tariq Anwar

"127 Hours"
Jon Harris

"The Social Network"
Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter

Foreign Language Film



"In a Better World"


"Outside the Law (Hors-la-loi)"


"Barney's Version"
Adrien Morot

"The Way Back"
Edouard F. Henriques, Gregory Funk and Yolanda Toussieng

"The Wolfman"
Rick Baker and Dave Elsey

Music (Original Score)

"How to Train Your Dragon"
John Powell

Hans Zimmer

"The King's Speech"
Alexandre Desplat

"127 Hours"
A.R. Rahman

"The Social Network"
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

Music (Original Song)

"Coming Home" from "Country Strong"
Music and Lyrics: Tom Douglas, Troy Verges and Hillary Lindsey

"I See the Light" from "Tangled"
Alan Menken (Music); Glenn Slater (Lyrics)

"If I Rise" from "127 hours"
A.R. Rahman (Music); Dido and Rollo Armstrong (Lyrics)

"We Belong Together" from "Toy Story 3"
Music and Lyrics: Randy Newman

Best Picture

"Black Swan"
Producers: Mike Medavoy, Brian Oliver and Scott Franklin

"The Fighter"
Producers: David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman and Mark Wahlberg

Producers: Emma Thomas and Christopher Nolan

"The Kids are All Right"
Producers: Gary Gilbert, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte and Celine Rattray

"The King's Speech"
Producers: Iain Canning, Emile Sherman and Gareth Unwin

"127 Hours"
Producers: Christian Colson, Danny Boyle and John Smithson

"The Social Network"
Producers: Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, Michael De Luca and Ceán Chaffin

"Toy Story 3"
Producer: Darla K. Anderson

"True Grit"
Producers: Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen and Joel Coen

"Winter's Bone"
Producers: Anne Rosellini and Alix Madigan-Yorkin

Short Film (Animated)

"Day & Night"
Teddy Newton

"The Gruffalo"
Jakob Schuh and Max Lang

"Let's Pollute"
Geefwee Boedoe

"The Lost Thing"
Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann

"Madagascar, carnet de voyage (Madagascar, a Journey Diary)"
Bastien Dubois

Short Film (Live Action)

"The Confession"
Tanel Toom

"The Crush"
Michael Creagh

"God of Love"
Luke Matheny

"Na Wewe"
Ivan Goldschmidt

"Wish 143"
Ian Barnes and Samantha Waite

Sound Editing

Richard King

"Toy Story 3"
Tom Myers and Michael Silvers

"Tron: Legacy"
Gwendolyn Yates Whittle and Addison Teague

"True Grit"
Skip Lievsay and Craig Berkey

Mark P. Stoeckinger

Song Mixing

Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick

"The King's Speech"
Paul Hamblin, Martin Jensen and John Midgley

Jeffrey J. Haboush, Greg P. Russell, Scott Millan and William Sarokin

"The Social Network"
Ren Klyce, David Parker, Michael Semanick and Mark Weingarten

"True Grit"
Skip Lievsay, Craig Berkey, Greg Orloff and Peter F. Kurland

Visual Effects

"Alice in Wonderland"
Ken Ralston, David Schaub, Carey Villegas and Sean Phillips

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I"
Tim Burke, John Richardson, Christian Manz and Nicolas Aithadi

Michael Owens, Bryan Grill, Stephan Trojanski and Joe Farrell

Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb

"Iron Man 2"
Janek Sirrs, Ben Snow, Ged Wright and Daniel Sudick

Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

"127 Hours"
Screenplay by Danny Boyle and Simon Beaufoy

"The Social Network"
Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin

"Toy Story 3"
Michael Arndt (Screenplay)
John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich (Story)

"True Grit"
Written for the screen by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen

"Winter's Bone"
Adapted for the screen by Debra Granik and Anne Rosellini

Writing (Original Screenplay)

"Another Year"
Written by Mike Leigh

"The Fighter"
Scott Silver, Paul Tamasy and Eric Johnson (Screenplay)
Eric Johnson, Keith Dorrington, Paul Tamasy (Story)

Written by Christopher Nolan

"The Kids are All Right"
Written by Lisa Cholodenko and Stuart Blumberg

"The King's Speech"
Screenplay by David Seidler

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lame Online Social Network Recognitions (LOSRs)

I find posters like this annoying when they post public information that could be really useful right when it's BRAND new, anywhere from two to six HOURS later than it actually happened. *shakes head*

-     -     -

Feel free to send your Lame Online Social Network Recognitions ( LOSRs ) from anywhere at all. If it's a business/robot, I'll leave everything visible (as seen above). If it's an actual person, either you or I can blur pictures and names.

Just hit the "Prnt Scrn" button, paste it into paint, and chop it down to what you find lame.

I'd like to thank Ashley for the idea, and no honey... We aren't competing in this, I just really liked the idea. :)


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Gleeful Post

So, I started watching Glee...
I wanted to keep it a secret so I could be like, "Boo! I've caught up!"

It's actually decent.

I started watching for something to watch, and a little out of annoyance that my choir seemed to know EVERY LITTLE THING about it, and quoted it at random times. But mostly because; Ashley seems to love it.

I've wanted to pop out on Twitter and quote people, or comment about what I was watching; but as I was keeping it a secret, that  made THAT impossible. SO... I decided to write what was going through my head here - in a draft - and post it once I told you I'd been watching.

Just some notes on characters.
Finn's cool. A little dumb, but reminds me of me in the shyness ways. He has a pretty good voice. His vocal range is pretty much mine. SO I like him more 'cause of that.
Puk's cool too. Unfortunately, he's an ass.
Quinn's always gonna be a cheerleader bitch, even if she gets kicked off the Cheerios again.
Arty's awesome. I LOVED his rendition of Dancing with Myself. :)
Rachel's stupid. She's an ego maniac. Her range is so tight, that anything she has to change to sing, hurts my poor ears. She can pull off some awesome stuff though. Apparently, everyone thinks she's some sort of hot tomali. I have to STRONGLY disagree. Sometimes maybe a LITTLE, but the nose is an eye magnet, and snaps you right out of it. *shiver*
Kurt's hysterical. He's a great character, and a great guy. He's very much comic relief though.
The black girl CAN have a good voice, but she doesn't sing well. No, your mouth doesn't need to move like that to make that sound.
The Asian girl was terrible faking her stutter.

In advance; this will be ridiculously full of SPOILERS...
Also, I apologize for telling EVERYONE "I'm bored," and "I'm not doing anything," for the last week or so. I was actually hiding that I was watching Glee, and keeping it a secret to surprise Ashley. I wrote a blog anyone can read, so clearly I wasn't an embarrassed "closeted Gleek."
AND I apologize to @gunderwoman1 for dragging my feet on the Doobie Brothers. This was a major reason. I'm all hands on it now.

Season 1

Some quick notes that I have no episode references to, as I started here way too late...
I liked how Kurt came out of the closet to his dad. I was SO worried that he'd be upset and angry. I nearly cried when he was totally accepting. Not understanding (not in a bad way), but accepting.
"I've known since all you wanted for your" third (I think) "birthday was a sensible pair of heels." I laughed through tears. :)

Episode 13 - Sectionals
I LOVED this one. I was pissed that the other groups used their playlist, but I teared up when they got to their second number in the competition. I was so happy they made their own numbers quick like that. I was also happy that the Schuester and Pilsbury got together at the end.

Episode 14 - Hell-O
Rachel's take on "Give you Hell" hurt me. When it started, mostly when she started singing, I wanted to fast forward. Unfortunately, I couldn't. I was watching online.
I was REALLY not happy with Schuester's making out with Vocal Adrenalin's director after I thought they were gonna FINALLY get together.

Episode 15 - The Power of Madonna
"Let's talk about it, or sing about it." (Jesse St. James from Vocal Adrenalin)
Oh god it's me... lol
"I thought I'd feel different." (Finn)
Yeah, I felt the same way buddy. Gotta find the right girl. :) Trust me.

Episode 16 - Home
This is the one where we find out about Kurt's dad, and Finn's mom. I loved the speech that Kurt's dad gives Finn, and you can tell there's really something there between the parents. But poor Kurt feels like he's losing his dad. :(
Also, the Jesse and Rachel thing seems to be holding strong. I'm glad she's not dating Finn, as she's CLEARLY a handful. But I'm happy she's found happiness with Jesse.

Episode 18 - Laryngitis
I'd never thought of it before, but yeah; Jesse's Girl does fit for Finn's situation. I was SO happy when the song started. And I LOVED Puk's rendition of The Lady is a Tramp. Awesomeness!

Episode 19 - Dream On
Shut UP! Neil Patrick HARRIS?!?!? You've gotta be KIDDING me. Awesome...
All I think is "Aww Barney..." lol But "YAY!" for Piano Man! :)
The final song started and I went, "Awesome song!" but then realized I should've figured. The episode TITLE was a HUGE give away. lol
And then, "ARTY!"

Episode 22 - Journey SEASON FINALE!!!
One group's name had oral in the title. Made me laugh. It was like Oral Intensity, or something. How awkward and bad. lol
I was happy with the ending. "Yay" for Rachel's mom adopting Quinn and Puk's daughter. I know someone who was happy with the last song of the season though. :)

Season 2

Episode 1 - Audition
LOVED the opening sequence with the Jew-fro loser blogger. It was a nice little recap. Made it seem like they were ACTUALLY on summer break, giving the show that touch of realism to all who weren't watching episodes consecutively. And I mean the sequence AFTER the flash back to "Last season on Glee."
Beiste looks like Tanaka. lol It's funny.

Episode 2 - Britney/Brittany
The Britney music video fantasies are awesome... except for Rachel. Her monster chin and jaw, with large nose bothers me. lmao Yeah! ARTY!
The Britney medley was AWESOME!

Episode 3 - Grilled Cheesus
KURT LINED UP OVER NIGHT FOR SEASON SIX OF GREY'S!!! Not to mention he's a really great dresser. I'm jealous... :$
Yeah Puk! Only the Good Die Young, Billy Joel. :)

So... this episode got annoying with the god shit. I'm all for believing what you want, but there no need to designate an entire episode to it. Finn praying to grilled cheesus would be a funny episode, but then making everyone sing religious songs and pressing poor Kurt to believe is WRONG. I'm on his and Sue's side here. Sue's a bitch, but that's her character.

And Rachel saying that her's and Finn's kids HAVE to be Jewish is ridiculous. They should talk about it (when they get there, they're in high school for god's sake), and she shouldn't be such a prima donna about... well - life. Some "good" for her; she sounds like the little mermaid (sometimes) if I let her song play in the background while I type here. *shrug*
Have I ever mentioned she also over annunciates, and has weirdly shaped lips. She's kinda awkward all over.

LOVE Kurt's take on The Beatles, I Wanna Hold Your Hand. :)
And back to the religious brow beating. Finn singing R.E.M.'s, Losing My Religion.

Episode 4 - Duets
Yeah Kurt sounds like a girl, whether he's singing or not; but he has a really good voice. Rachel's compliments his very well. And Sam and Quinn's duet BLEW my mind. They're a good pair. I'm glad they're a couple now.

Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed
YAY! Puk's back!
The Warblers take on Teenage Dream reminds me of Harmonic Generation. Too bad they're auto
tuned. Oh yeah, I heard that. Unfortunately, I don't like that song. It's catchy, but stupid...
"You can't punch the gay outta me any more than I can punch the ignoramus outta you!" (Chris Colfer)

Episode 7 - The Substitute
Awesome! Gwyneth Paltrow! Hullo... Cee Lo Green! Awesome...
Puk's loving this...

Paltrow has better legs than Rachel; just thought I'd say so. Also, I liked the Chicago number.

Episode 8 - Furt
I liked Sam's promise ring thing to Quinn. Everything he said was awesome, but him leading link he wanted to marry her was kinda cheesy.

I saw the Marry You number on YouTube with Ashley.

I like the couples that they have right now. I know they probably won't stick because... well... one, it's a TV show; and two, it's "high school." But they fit well. :)

LOVED the wedding... And it ended with SWAY! Woo!

(8)When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change.(8)

I'll admit to crying when Finn and Kurt ("Furt") danced. :)

Episode 9 - Special Education
Shut up! Evita! (8)Don't cry for me Argentina...(8)
And Train... It's getting SO good!

And Sam did a little Michael Jackson crotch grab, spin, and stand on toes thing. Props to him, and yet... "No Sam... No..."

Episode 10 - A Very Glee Christmas
I'm sorry, but Brittany's Christmas wish for Arty was SO cute. Black Santa was kind of a dick about it, even though they were like, "No! Say you can't!"
Loving Baby it's Cold Outside with Kurt and his gay friend. :)
The episode was unfortunately close to How the Grinch Stole Christmas, which made it cool, and yet weird...

Oh my god! I teared up when Arty got his Christmas miracle. Coach Beiste is such a nice person. :)

Episode 11 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Need You Now was decent, but they need to work on singing like it's supposed to be sung. Don't annunciate so damn much!
As if they called themselves the Superbowl in the post Superbowl showing...

Episode 12 - Silly Love Songs
Aww... Kurt's views on Valentine's Day were like Miss Ashley's. :) AND PUK CAN'T KISS! lmao I respect his choice in women. Not saying I agree with it (or completely agree with his new found "type"), but I respect it. Loved the Queenage, by the by.
Rachel can certainly dish it out when it comes down to it. Slap in the face to Santana. :| And poor Kurt! :(
"Go Finn!" for standing by NOT letting Rachel back up in his Finnage. lol
Thank you Arty for the Michael Jackson! (8)I want to love you (P-Y-T) / Pretty young thing.(8)

And at Rachel's take on Firework, Glee becomes like TV's modern take on Grease. Good thing Grease was good. Or... the first one was, at least.

Episode 13 - Comeback
And it's been Biebered... To clarify for all; I'm a huge fan f his musical prowess, and lyrics. My only snag being he's way too young to be singing what he sings. Also, his hair, and overall attitude...
Glee's done a great job or SOMEwhat reworking his tunes, and the choreography. But! But but but... The guys dressing and getting their hair like his, was unnecessary, and stupid.

K, Finn's become a jerk. Making Quinn cheat on Sam is terrible. And why's he still chilling with Rachel when they're CLEARLY broken up. *shakes head*

I always get a kick out of the name "Oral Intensity." I mean come ON! lol

So... Now I have caught up on Glee. Yes, I actually do like it. That being said; it doesn't mean I can't still mock it. It still has areas to be made fun of.
So there!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Ongoing Search

Alas yes, I still press forward for that design that will be perfection in a tattoo for me.

As seen before I did have a design, but it fell through. Most things pertaining to it became... bad, and it had set so well in my brain that I couldn't change it without hurting me. Unfortunately, it needed to be changed, and so the whole thing was scrapped.
The irony being that most who had helped, or given input then came out of the wood work about not liking the idea.

NOTE: I'm not being spiteful, or angry. Just "talking" as that's what I do here. I'm not lashing out, and am not looking to offend, and I HAVE mentioned this subject to all persons involved. I'm not looking to blindside you; again, just "talking."

So every chance I get, I pop into the Google search engine... Go to images, type in "hockey." Scroll, scroll scroll... "Ice hockey." Scroll, scroll scroll... "Ref." Just looking for ideas to make my creative mind kick in. Scroll, scroll scroll... "Referee." Scroll, scroll scroll... "Hockey referee." Scroll, scroll scroll... Oh for goodness sake. There's nothing out there. "Ice hockey referee." Scroll, scroll scroll...

I decided to go down the referee route as that's part of my life that is important, and will continue to be a part of my life until I can't skate anymore. This idea was suggested by Ashley, and is a brilliant idea. (I love you honey.) Unfortunately for me, although it is a brilliant idea, it's also an idea that has very few areas to be creative in.

So... I mean suggestions would help. Anybody?
Um... I'm starting to think of going in another sort of direction, another design that has more freedom. But as there isn't really much to my life (fuck no I'm not doing something for diabetes, get that out of your head) I'm stumped.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Wee Ones :)

What is it about kids that just makes you smile? I can't say for sure, but I know that that is true.
I write with two (recent) examples.

Number one; I was linesman in a Major Atom B game the other night. (Atom is 10 and 11 year olds, and "Major" indicates that it was a competitive game.) As a linesman I have to tell everyone on the ice when a team (depending on which end I have, and they play is in) is onside or offside*.
It's something as simple as yelling (or in my case "projecting my voice") "No!" or "Clear!" when they're onside, and washing out at the blue-line (which is like the "safe**" signal in baseball). And "Offside!" repeatedly until they are once again onside, when you then say "Good!" or "Clear!"

When you officiate hockey at the Novice level (ages 8 and 9), they sometimes need a little more encouragement. To get them to respond to being offside (which they haven't the faintest about) you need to yell numbers, names and colours, and tell them to "get out." To get them to go back in it's "ok, you're good," "go go go!" and "go get 'em!" :)

Anyway... After doing this a few times in front of the visiting team's bench, the back-up goalie leans over the boards and says, "You got some lungs on you!" It was the cutest thing EVER! I couldn't turn and face him, but I thanked him, and couldn't hide my gianormous grin.
Later his blocker was hanging over the boards, and I bumped it by accident, as I skated by, and he was like "Sorry!" I said, "No problem buddy, it's alright."
He was a cute little kid. Makes me smile just thinking about it. :)

Number two; doesn't really involve a kid, per say...
The guy who refereed the game I did today noticed afterwards, that I had a pump. He knew it was a pump right away, which was cool.
He started asking a whole bunch of questions; "Do you wear it when you ref? ... Is it difficult to use?" stuff like that. After a bit he told me his 9 year old daughter has type I diabetes too. Then he asked questions about other stuff. I let him know I'd had diabetes since I was 3, and that I can relate a little to how she feels.

He told me that she felt like "her life was over," and all that. 9 year olds eh?
But she knew that *shiver* a Jonas Brother has diabetes too. I told him yeah, and there've been hockey players with it too. So it only really limits you if you let it. "For instance," I used myself as an example, "I want to be an NHL referee, and" I kicked my ref bag "I'm not gonna let it stop me."
He smiled (because he could see his daughter'd be fine), and told me "Right on buddy, and you got no fat on yeh."

I told him a pump is just a small adjustment from syringes (because it pretty much is), and that it's all a comfort thing. That it's pretty simple. You just dial in your blood sugar, tell it your carbs you're eating, and it does the rest.
He was all curious about knowing carbs in food and stuff. He thought it'd be hard. I told him that stuff at the dinner table - like mashed potatoes, for example - is guess work, but you get the hang of it. I said that stuff you eat regularly becomes habit. "Like, I have the same thing for breakfast every day; toast and peanut butter," not true, I have that most days, but I was making a point. "The package says how much is in how ever many slices of bread. The first time you check, the second time you're checking to make sure, and soon you know exactly how many carbs are in two slices of toast, and peanut butter." 40g at my house, just by the by. :P (42g at Ashley's, depending on the bread.)

I saw the realization click in, and he was a little more relaxed about it. I finished out by just saying that if they want to learn more about it, or think it's a good idea, to just talk to their doctor.
He piped up, "I might just have her talk to you," in a 'she needs to see someone with it that is getting along fine,' sort of thing. It warmed my heart. :)

We talked a bit more, and he learned that I'd only been using my pump a month or two. I think he got a little more comfortable with the idea of his daughter maybe getting one from that. Just the fact that I talked about it, and found it pretty easy, and could explain stuff to him in ways he could understand, in that amount of time, helped.

Anyway, so there's my "Wee Ones" stories.

*When the puck crosses into a team's offensive end and one or more players of the attacking team (with the exception of the player in control of the puck) already have both skates in the offensive end. (The "offensive end* is indicated by the blue-line.)

**When a player running the bases makes it to a base without being tagged my the player holding the ball.

I was just being a dick, 'cause it's fun...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something About TV

So... I'm really looking for stuff to watch now. The good stuff's running out. I've got my hands on Star Trek: The Original Series, and I'm making my way through that with my dad. It's a piece of history, that's for sure. :)
Don't get me wrong, I've tried some other series' but nothing's - how can I put this - good. I mean there some that are decent, but never good enough to actually KEEP watching. There were a few animated shows on Netflix that I battled through, simply because; well, I'm a guy. *shrug*

I started one called Bionic Woman, which SHOULD've been cool. Unfortunately it was epically terrible. I actually stopped to look for another show. But ended up flipping back because nothing caught my eye. I can see why it got cancelled after six episodes. It was really bad... The story and it's plot was shit, the special effects were shit, the idea... well the idea was decent, but they didn't have the writers or money to make it worth watching for an extended period of time.

I like the idea of a super human thing, like a super hero (if you rate Batman as a hero), but a little more limited. And I mean, there's a lot of cool stuff you can do with that character, and their story. You don't need to (like they did) bang out six episodes of "Oh my god, I've changed! I need to find myself as I get beat up by another bionic person." *grumble* That was stupidness. I mean, get an episode of "Ahh, shit happened! Now I'm bionic... What's bionic mean?" And then, maybe an episode and a half of practice and learn some simple things and have it mix with life as a human, then end the episode with the first mission. Then continue with training and missions.
There was no need for ridiculous background storylines, and stupid plot twists so early in the season. And the funding was the other portion of the problem with the show, because the special effects were cheaply done. Also, THE bionic woman was supposed to add some sex appeal. Agreed? Well, more money would have also allowed them to have not only a bionic woman who added to the sex appeal, but also the antagonist too.

While we're on the subject, how about I rant on all the other shows I watch (or used to watch).

Season 1 was awesome. I really wanted to see what Season 2 could possibly bring to the table. As they're on Season 3 this year, I can honestly say "Not much." Very little mention of the major antagonist that had you coming back for more, until the LAST episode, which was disappointing. And Season 3 did the same, and they're being very... cheeky, I guess would be the right term. Kind of slapstick ish for their genre.
Like comedy is comedy, with Slapstick as a sub-genre; and it's kind of not what you're looking for, and not funny if you're not into it. Know what I mean.
I'm sort of upset with it, as it was MY first good TV series find, and it went down the tubes before it got as good as it could've.

Let's have a bad followed with a good, eh?
Grey's is awesome. It knows what to do, and how to do it to make it fun, and enjoyable. It's a DAMN good medical drama. I don't know what else to say about it, other than it's really good. If you haven't heard of it, or have, and haven't seen it; I suggest a gander. And, start from Season 1, to do it justice.

Another good series. The chemistry between all the characters is great. Sheldon (the uber nerd) is awesome, along with Leonard; and the dynamic duo of Raj and Howard are good too. And of course I can't possibly forget to mention Penny.

I probably like the show so much because there are points where I can connect to many of the main characters, and really feel where they're coming from. Like, I can sit watch and go, "Good lord, I would do that too!" :) It's fun.
I'd like to believe it's like the newest series to be like Friends; if the story and ideas keep flowing, I'd like to hope that it lasts just as long, but it has a long way to go.

Awesome series, but it's too bad it had to end. I know all the actors had to move on and do other things, but I mean c'mon; that far along, Matthew Perry had TOTALLY been typecast as neurotic, Lisa Kudrow and Matt le Blanc as spacy and silly, Courtney Cox as the UBER clean freak, and Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer as - well, Rachel and Ross.
But then again, I guess they had done it all, and all their characters were moving on. So on second thought, it may've been good to end it where they did.

Now I still have to say I think that The Big Bang Theory will be like the next Friends, but Ashley thinks that'll be...

Also a good show. VERY fun and VERY funny. All actors play their rolls well, especially Neil Patrick Harris. It's somewhat ironic that he plays such an amazing womanizer.
The show is pushing to be around long, as it's all based on the main character Ted, telling his kids how he met their mother. I think it's cool. I mean it is kind of taking a while; 6 seasons, and all we've seen of their mother is her foot. But it is a good story, and you really feel for the poor guy. I'm sure it all ties together in the end, whenever the end may be. lol I hope it isn't for a while; after all, it IS called How I MET Your Mother as opposed to "How I Met Your Mother, and Our Relationship up to Now". :P

Yes, I will admit to watching this show. I've seen every episode, and both movies. All of this is thanks to Miss Ashley. :) She LOVES the series, and owns all the stuff. She introduced me to it, and insisted I watch. I must admit, I was a little iffy to start.
It is good. The last movie wasn't comPLETEly up to par with the rest, but if they make another, I'm sure it'll be back up to what it should be.

Another one Ashley introduced me to. This one took me a bit to really get into. I had to promised I'd watch 10 episodes of the first season before I gave up on it. Needless to say, I didn't give up on it. Season 1 took a bit, but ended well. Season 2, well... The ending kinda pushed my buttons. I've officially given up on Season 3. *shrug*

A neat series. Hugh Laurie plays his part well. Yeah, I know every episode's plot is similar.

A new issue come up that's unsolvable by anyone.
They start making headway.
Then it turns out they were wrong.
Things get worse.
They work REALLY hard to find out what's wrong.
Voila! Dr House finds what's what's wrong, and saves the day.

Not all episodes follow the format of course, but many do. And they find good little twists and turns, so every episode isn't IDENTICAL, and it keeps you on your toes. Also they do a good job with the little sub-plot stories, when you get to know the characters, just by the way they act and treat each other; and learning about them through dialog, and the small number of small scenes that have nothing to do with the episode.

Good show.

Season 1 was awesome. I liked how everything made sense, and it was all planned out before it happened, and he didn't memorize the plan. That was pretty cool.
I tried Season 2 because Season 1 was so good, and kept my fingers crossed. Unfortunately it was annoying. All the things that made Season 1 a big awesome thing, were not in Season 2.

Needless to say, I stopped watching.

Another one introduced to me by Ashley. I was REALLY tentative to start, and actually didn't like it on the first try. After a while I gave it a second shot, and actually liked it a lot.
Unfortunately, everything that I liked in the first few season has left, or is on the verge of leaving. :( The humour used to be very subtle, and dry; very under the surface, which meant you had to be paying attention to get it.
It's evolved now to a slapstick thing, which isn't very becoming of it. Some things you can't help but laugh, but because it didn't start as a slapstick mockumentary comedy, it just doesn't seem to work.

This is a cool series. It's based on the story of some soldiers in one of the World Wars. I haven't really watched every episode, I don't think; but I really liked what I saw. Hanks and Spielberg did an amazing job. That's why I thought it a goo idea to start...

I'm actually JUST watching this series now, on my own. Ashley and I got it for Di and dad for Christmas. She really really wanted it, and we were more than happy to oblige.
She's been done for a while now, and so I'm diving in. I'm a little more than half done, and I really like it. :)
It's about US marines who served in World War II, when they went over to fight Japan because of the bombing at Pear Harbour.
It can get a little graphic at times, but it adds to the reality of it, because it was also put together by Hanks and Spielberg, and based on the story of some of the marines in the first... regiment I guess it is? Anyway, the first.
Anyway, it's an HBO Miniseries, so they like to take liberties at the whole "graphic content" deal. And their shows are longer than regular channels, which is great.

Eh, this one was alright. The fighting was cool, but could've been better. I could tell what was actually possible, and what was pure shit in the fighting sequences. *shrug* The story was alright too. I mean, after watching, you know there's no way there could be a second season.
There was much unnecessary nudity, and sex. That was my major issue with it, even though before each show started they said, and I quote, "Spartacus depicts extreme sensuality, brutality, and language that some viewers may find objectionable. This show is a historical portrayal of ancient Roman society, and the intensity of the content is to suggest an authentic representation of that period."

The following language may be objectionable to some readers; therefore your discretion is advised. But don't worry it'll only take a sentence.
So all things being said, they had no issue with flashing some boob, vagina, penis, butt, and saying "fuck," "cunt," and any other bad word you could possibly think of. I'm not kidding.

One major issue was that it was ancient Rome, and everyone seemed to have an British accent.

Not good. It's boring, it REALLY drags, and is just about the nudity.
I didn't make it through an episode.

Seasons 1 and 6 were the best, but you have to watch 2 through 5, to have 6 be good. Unfortunately, 7 and 8 weren't too good, and 3 was terrible until it got right close to the end.
Every season has it's twists and turns; some expected, and some just blow you RIGHT out of the water.
It really keeps the pace of each show moving; they have them moving against the clock, quite literally. Each episode is an hour TV time, and an hour in "real-time." That being said, yes, the commercials take time out of the show; and yes, the ticker pops up so you KNOW how much time's left. It has you on the edge of your seat at times.

Awesome series, and newish. Started in the last few years, and did a good job I think.
It focused more on what I liked of The Mentalist, which was Patrick Jane (played by Simon Baker) and his ability to seemingly read minds. My favourite thing is when he (just to let everyone know, "No, I'm NOT psychic.") explains a little of what he saw, and how he knew what was going on.
In Lie to Me the main guy is like a human lie detector, and the main thing of the show is just that. It's really cool. You should check it out.