
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rough Day

As the title says; I've been having a "rough day."

Got up for work; it felt like it was MUCH too early. It was the same time as every OTHER Tuesday, but toDAY, it just felt too early. Know what I mean?

Work was rough (I guess you could call it "rough"). Not to complain but the vacuum head for hard floors doesn't turn clockwise... so when you reach across the floor any way but straight, it either locks and won't pick stuff up, or turns so you can pick stuff up, and then won't straighten out when you bring it back.
This kinda ruins ALL routines, as one frequently needs to stop, pick up the vacuum head, and rotate the brush (counter-clockwise) JUST less than 360 degrees, to make it straight again. ("One" being "me.")

This mightn't sound like a big deal, but it really really is. Odds are you don't vacuum for a living (or - if you do -  haven't had this happen to you) so really; you don't know.

Got home. Printed off a resume to go and hand in somewhere. Doesn't matter where, point is I am STILL on the bloody job search, and I doubt it will even come to an end, even though I've gone as to make my own "business" to just TRY and help me make SOME money.
Alas, all attempts have failed at trying to make money. I feel like I may have more luck as a homeless beggar. Now IS the time of year for it. It is warmer than winter.

I recently changed an "October" to the month before it, on my resume. Yeah, that'd be "September." But as I rewrote my resume on an application to this place - that shall remain nameless, as it was kinda skeevy *shiver* - I realized I wrote it "Spetember."
What spell-checker  doesn't know that THAT's not even a bloody word?! Microsoft's spell-checker apparently, there's a red squiggly line under it in Google Chrome. But apPARently, Microsoft doesn't know that "Spetember" isn't a word!!!

The only good news here is that as far as I know, I only handed out two (including the one today).
Unfortunately, the other one; I e-mailed to someone who said they'd help me on my job search. So IF she printed it off to hand to her friends, I just hope to god she noticed, and changed it.

I'm so screwed, and it seems to be ALL my own doing...
Why do I bother...

And NOW, I'm STARving, but dunno when dinner is, so I'm not sure if I should bother making anything.
On top of that I'm trying to watch Highlander, on Netflix. Most times I try and log into Netflix, it pulls a "Netflix is currently unavailable due to server maintenance." At 10:00/10:30/11:00 at night?! Are you KIDDING ME?!
Between last night and this afternoon they put all SIX seasons into one thing. So you can click on "Highlander" and are supPOSEd to be able to watch them all right there. Well this shit isn't working so my bad mood only gets worse...
I was planning to watch to relieve stress, and now I'm getting this crap... You've got to be KIDding me.
Who the hell has it out for me?!

"The gloves are off, God."
"God has taken my bird and my bush."
"God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass." Then something about my being an ant, and he's seared off my feelers, and enjoying watching me squirm.
"Smite me, O Mighty Smiter."
- Jim Carrey (Bruce Almighty)

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