
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And there we have it!

So ends "Tattoo Day," and I did actually get shit stuff done. I nearly forgot after work, but a friend of mine was like, "Tattoo!" when I said I didn't know what to do.

You know who you are. :) Thank you for reminding me. Otherwise I would have remembered MUCH too late.

So I went back to my original idea. Removed some stuff, and so needed to move stuff around. New pictures can be found here; in the same place as every other time...

Tell me what you like, what you don't, what you feel I should change, add, remove. I'm open to input, but that doesn't mean if you SAY something I will DO it.

Now off to a movie. A scary movie; alone.
I need friends...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

And so; I declare tomorrow...

Tattoo Day!

I declared today T-shirt Day, and actually got stuff done one my t-shirt. I don't like the still unfinished product, but; I got far enough to realize that it wasn't going to turn out like I wanted. That's good enough for me.

So as ANY avid follower would know (as there are few - if not none - of you, I'll spill the beans) I've gone through several tattoo ideas, and trashed them all.
So tomorrow, I will revisit them all; and attempt to fix what I found to be broken, and make them BETTER!

I can already see it all crashing and burning, but let's hope for the best; shall we?