
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something About TV

So... I'm really looking for stuff to watch now. The good stuff's running out. I've got my hands on Star Trek: The Original Series, and I'm making my way through that with my dad. It's a piece of history, that's for sure. :)
Don't get me wrong, I've tried some other series' but nothing's - how can I put this - good. I mean there some that are decent, but never good enough to actually KEEP watching. There were a few animated shows on Netflix that I battled through, simply because; well, I'm a guy. *shrug*

I started one called Bionic Woman, which SHOULD've been cool. Unfortunately it was epically terrible. I actually stopped to look for another show. But ended up flipping back because nothing caught my eye. I can see why it got cancelled after six episodes. It was really bad... The story and it's plot was shit, the special effects were shit, the idea... well the idea was decent, but they didn't have the writers or money to make it worth watching for an extended period of time.

I like the idea of a super human thing, like a super hero (if you rate Batman as a hero), but a little more limited. And I mean, there's a lot of cool stuff you can do with that character, and their story. You don't need to (like they did) bang out six episodes of "Oh my god, I've changed! I need to find myself as I get beat up by another bionic person." *grumble* That was stupidness. I mean, get an episode of "Ahh, shit happened! Now I'm bionic... What's bionic mean?" And then, maybe an episode and a half of practice and learn some simple things and have it mix with life as a human, then end the episode with the first mission. Then continue with training and missions.
There was no need for ridiculous background storylines, and stupid plot twists so early in the season. And the funding was the other portion of the problem with the show, because the special effects were cheaply done. Also, THE bionic woman was supposed to add some sex appeal. Agreed? Well, more money would have also allowed them to have not only a bionic woman who added to the sex appeal, but also the antagonist too.

While we're on the subject, how about I rant on all the other shows I watch (or used to watch).

Season 1 was awesome. I really wanted to see what Season 2 could possibly bring to the table. As they're on Season 3 this year, I can honestly say "Not much." Very little mention of the major antagonist that had you coming back for more, until the LAST episode, which was disappointing. And Season 3 did the same, and they're being very... cheeky, I guess would be the right term. Kind of slapstick ish for their genre.
Like comedy is comedy, with Slapstick as a sub-genre; and it's kind of not what you're looking for, and not funny if you're not into it. Know what I mean.
I'm sort of upset with it, as it was MY first good TV series find, and it went down the tubes before it got as good as it could've.

Let's have a bad followed with a good, eh?
Grey's is awesome. It knows what to do, and how to do it to make it fun, and enjoyable. It's a DAMN good medical drama. I don't know what else to say about it, other than it's really good. If you haven't heard of it, or have, and haven't seen it; I suggest a gander. And, start from Season 1, to do it justice.

Another good series. The chemistry between all the characters is great. Sheldon (the uber nerd) is awesome, along with Leonard; and the dynamic duo of Raj and Howard are good too. And of course I can't possibly forget to mention Penny.

I probably like the show so much because there are points where I can connect to many of the main characters, and really feel where they're coming from. Like, I can sit watch and go, "Good lord, I would do that too!" :) It's fun.
I'd like to believe it's like the newest series to be like Friends; if the story and ideas keep flowing, I'd like to hope that it lasts just as long, but it has a long way to go.

Awesome series, but it's too bad it had to end. I know all the actors had to move on and do other things, but I mean c'mon; that far along, Matthew Perry had TOTALLY been typecast as neurotic, Lisa Kudrow and Matt le Blanc as spacy and silly, Courtney Cox as the UBER clean freak, and Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer as - well, Rachel and Ross.
But then again, I guess they had done it all, and all their characters were moving on. So on second thought, it may've been good to end it where they did.

Now I still have to say I think that The Big Bang Theory will be like the next Friends, but Ashley thinks that'll be...

Also a good show. VERY fun and VERY funny. All actors play their rolls well, especially Neil Patrick Harris. It's somewhat ironic that he plays such an amazing womanizer.
The show is pushing to be around long, as it's all based on the main character Ted, telling his kids how he met their mother. I think it's cool. I mean it is kind of taking a while; 6 seasons, and all we've seen of their mother is her foot. But it is a good story, and you really feel for the poor guy. I'm sure it all ties together in the end, whenever the end may be. lol I hope it isn't for a while; after all, it IS called How I MET Your Mother as opposed to "How I Met Your Mother, and Our Relationship up to Now". :P

Yes, I will admit to watching this show. I've seen every episode, and both movies. All of this is thanks to Miss Ashley. :) She LOVES the series, and owns all the stuff. She introduced me to it, and insisted I watch. I must admit, I was a little iffy to start.
It is good. The last movie wasn't comPLETEly up to par with the rest, but if they make another, I'm sure it'll be back up to what it should be.

Another one Ashley introduced me to. This one took me a bit to really get into. I had to promised I'd watch 10 episodes of the first season before I gave up on it. Needless to say, I didn't give up on it. Season 1 took a bit, but ended well. Season 2, well... The ending kinda pushed my buttons. I've officially given up on Season 3. *shrug*

A neat series. Hugh Laurie plays his part well. Yeah, I know every episode's plot is similar.

A new issue come up that's unsolvable by anyone.
They start making headway.
Then it turns out they were wrong.
Things get worse.
They work REALLY hard to find out what's wrong.
Voila! Dr House finds what's what's wrong, and saves the day.

Not all episodes follow the format of course, but many do. And they find good little twists and turns, so every episode isn't IDENTICAL, and it keeps you on your toes. Also they do a good job with the little sub-plot stories, when you get to know the characters, just by the way they act and treat each other; and learning about them through dialog, and the small number of small scenes that have nothing to do with the episode.

Good show.

Season 1 was awesome. I liked how everything made sense, and it was all planned out before it happened, and he didn't memorize the plan. That was pretty cool.
I tried Season 2 because Season 1 was so good, and kept my fingers crossed. Unfortunately it was annoying. All the things that made Season 1 a big awesome thing, were not in Season 2.

Needless to say, I stopped watching.

Another one introduced to me by Ashley. I was REALLY tentative to start, and actually didn't like it on the first try. After a while I gave it a second shot, and actually liked it a lot.
Unfortunately, everything that I liked in the first few season has left, or is on the verge of leaving. :( The humour used to be very subtle, and dry; very under the surface, which meant you had to be paying attention to get it.
It's evolved now to a slapstick thing, which isn't very becoming of it. Some things you can't help but laugh, but because it didn't start as a slapstick mockumentary comedy, it just doesn't seem to work.

This is a cool series. It's based on the story of some soldiers in one of the World Wars. I haven't really watched every episode, I don't think; but I really liked what I saw. Hanks and Spielberg did an amazing job. That's why I thought it a goo idea to start...

I'm actually JUST watching this series now, on my own. Ashley and I got it for Di and dad for Christmas. She really really wanted it, and we were more than happy to oblige.
She's been done for a while now, and so I'm diving in. I'm a little more than half done, and I really like it. :)
It's about US marines who served in World War II, when they went over to fight Japan because of the bombing at Pear Harbour.
It can get a little graphic at times, but it adds to the reality of it, because it was also put together by Hanks and Spielberg, and based on the story of some of the marines in the first... regiment I guess it is? Anyway, the first.
Anyway, it's an HBO Miniseries, so they like to take liberties at the whole "graphic content" deal. And their shows are longer than regular channels, which is great.

Eh, this one was alright. The fighting was cool, but could've been better. I could tell what was actually possible, and what was pure shit in the fighting sequences. *shrug* The story was alright too. I mean, after watching, you know there's no way there could be a second season.
There was much unnecessary nudity, and sex. That was my major issue with it, even though before each show started they said, and I quote, "Spartacus depicts extreme sensuality, brutality, and language that some viewers may find objectionable. This show is a historical portrayal of ancient Roman society, and the intensity of the content is to suggest an authentic representation of that period."

The following language may be objectionable to some readers; therefore your discretion is advised. But don't worry it'll only take a sentence.
So all things being said, they had no issue with flashing some boob, vagina, penis, butt, and saying "fuck," "cunt," and any other bad word you could possibly think of. I'm not kidding.

One major issue was that it was ancient Rome, and everyone seemed to have an British accent.

Not good. It's boring, it REALLY drags, and is just about the nudity.
I didn't make it through an episode.

Seasons 1 and 6 were the best, but you have to watch 2 through 5, to have 6 be good. Unfortunately, 7 and 8 weren't too good, and 3 was terrible until it got right close to the end.
Every season has it's twists and turns; some expected, and some just blow you RIGHT out of the water.
It really keeps the pace of each show moving; they have them moving against the clock, quite literally. Each episode is an hour TV time, and an hour in "real-time." That being said, yes, the commercials take time out of the show; and yes, the ticker pops up so you KNOW how much time's left. It has you on the edge of your seat at times.

Awesome series, and newish. Started in the last few years, and did a good job I think.
It focused more on what I liked of The Mentalist, which was Patrick Jane (played by Simon Baker) and his ability to seemingly read minds. My favourite thing is when he (just to let everyone know, "No, I'm NOT psychic.") explains a little of what he saw, and how he knew what was going on.
In Lie to Me the main guy is like a human lie detector, and the main thing of the show is just that. It's really cool. You should check it out.

Words on Pets

So, I know it shouldn't be a passing thought, but I'm not gonna lie; it was today. I was thinking about pets (past, present, and future).

I've had (in total) 4 cats, 3 dogs, 2 hamsters, a preying mantis, and a monarch butterfly.
Currently I have 3 cats, and 3 dogs; I love them all dearly.

Sometimes, my cat is a little bit of a handful (to say the least). But I mean, I love him. I really do.
He just likes to be the center of attention, and he'll nip/bite, stand on or head-butt you or what you're using, to be just that "the center of attention." For instance, last night he'd bug me for attention, while I was TRYING TO SLEEP. *grumble* Needless to say I was cranky when he did it, and I was cranky this morning.

Now someone brought to my attention *cough*Ashley*cough* that dogs are smarter than cats. At first I was a little taken aback. But she... er... this person had a study to back their statement, so there wasn't much I could say. And really once I thought about it, it seemed true.

Dogs learn commands. Cats, ha! I wish you good luck.
Dogs'll knock whatever they're doing off when you show you're irritated. Cats, ha! I wish you good luck once again.
Cats learn to pee in a litter box. Dogs; well I've never tried it, but it should be doable when you think about it. And then again, cats'll NOT use said litter box when they feel like it, so that point can be somewhat moot.

So that being said; three points, and dogs to top the intellectual power chart.

Anyway, I digress.

I was thinking about my next pet, 'cause lets face it. My buddy Meowth (yes, that is my cat's name) may not act it, but he IS getting up there in years... for a cat. That being said, he can't live forever, and his day WILL come. I'm not saying I'm "hoping" for it, just that it is on its way.
I'm thinking of getting a dog. Like a dog for ME, kind of like Meowth was a cat for ME. I've never had a dog for ME. I mean Emmerson, Steve and Muffy are my families dogs, but Emmer and Muff were here before me, and yeah Steve was new to everyone at the same time, but Katie kind of laid claim to him.

Anyway, I'd like a puppy (more than likely a rescue puppy) (lol Meowth just left the couch. I'd bet because he could tell I was talking about getting a dog.) and that being said, I'd need to be sure he could get on my bed, so the loft would HAVE to go. Also, I'd like him/her to be puppyish, meaning under a year - two at the most - so he could become at least SOMEwhat attached to me as a "parent" sort of figure. And I'd like to be able to meet him/her before he/she is for SURE mine. That being said, he/she'll have to be a local dog to start.

I know it's a tall order, but hey! I can dream, right?