
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tangents and Ideas Alongside My Thoughts and Feelings - Part 2

visited, and taught me how to do everything specifically. I could hit that ball straight and long (no pun intended).
Then my granparents moved, and I lost my golfing.
When I picked it back up - years and years later - dad kept mentioning taking me to the pro teacher and seeing if he thought I'd had natural ability, and if it was worth my learning.
We never did this...

I go out to the driving range now, and have some fun. I try and teach myself what I'm doing wrong and attempt to correct, but I wonder a little; what could've been, every once and a while...

I think that's all; for now at least.

Tangents and Ideas Alongside My Thoughts and Feelings - Part 1

I'm back, once again...
Hello, hello.

Firstly; yes I do have something to keep me writing (or typing) in here every day. This is thank you to Ashley (in case you haven't picked up on it yet; she's my girlfriend).

It involves writing "letters," and each letter each day is to someone who is designated by a list.
For example "someone who [blank]."
Now, as each person is different, I found it difficult to put someone to each day, so I decided it best to not start writing said letters until I decided on a person for each day. This may take some time, so do be patient.


Dad mentioned to me today if I felt like I should have continued with golf. Like if it'd've been a good path for the future and what not.
I said, "Yeah, and I felt the same about hockey."
Ironically, I had golf on me from goodness knows when. I used to beat the snot out of a yellow golf ball (which matched up REALLY well with those damn dandelions, let me tell you) in my grandparents back yard.
One time my grandpa