
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Everyone has their one perfect match.

Everyone has that one perfect person; that perfect person they're meant to search for. (NOTE: I may get a little philosophical and deep here, so just bare with me.)

When I say "person" in this sense, I mean like a personality. I don't mean, "Person A will spend their life looking for Person B." That's a bit ludicrous.
I mean "Person A is looking for a person who's personality matches theirs." There could be dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people who match the personality of each person, which makes a tad more sense. And yes, when someone finds the person they match up with, it may feel as though they've found the one person that they were meant to find, or spend their life trying to find.

So yes, everyone does have their perfect match. But no, you don't need to span the globe looking for one person; you just need to find a person with a suitable personality to yours.

*shrug* Makes sense to me.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.