
Friday, September 21, 2012

Nut bag...

Who heard about the guy who wants to plead manslaughter to killing his wife?

I was reading the Toronto Sun - a perk of the job - and was appalled. *shakes head*
They were in an unhappy relationship, engaged, she already had a son with cerebral palsy, and he was a religious nut bag, clearly.

She was now pregnant with his child, wanted nothing to do with him (she was seeing another dude, so baby mightn't've even been the nutter's) and wanted an abortion because - for obvious reasons - her son was a bit of a handful.
They argued for a while, and after a bit the neighbours heard him yell, "Fuck this shit!" and all goes silent. He then runs off with some other chick for two days, after his ex-fiancee's found dead, wrapped in a duvet, and a knife plunged into her chest with a page of the bible on it. :|

Before stabbing her, he beat her in the head with a hammer. *shakes head*

"Manslaughter" - if I'm understanding correctly - is not a premeditated act. But beating someone over the head with a hammer, and pulling a page out of the bible and thrusting a knife into someone's chest is pretty well thought out.
He claims he didn't mean to kill her. Fine, a few shots to the head mightn't kill someone. The hammer, and some MAY survive. But a knife to the chest? Dude, stop lying to the world and yourself, you meant to kill.

And WHAT's the fifth commandment? "Thou shall not kill," dumbass.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

WHAT am I doing UP at this hour?!

Well I'm working. If I was at home, I wouldn't be blogging right now, as I have a beautiful girl in my bed. That's a downfall to working the night shift; not being able to spend nights in one's own bed.

Lot's happened since I last wrote here. Been keeping busy. Work work work, when the shifts come to me. I need more hours, but I can easily pick up shifts as it gets colder out.
I work at the only gas station and 24 hour convenience store in this area, so it get pretty dead as fall sets in, and winter looms.

My family's moved to Newboro, which is about 40 minutes outside of Kingston. I work 5 minutes outside of Newboro, in Westport.
It's very country out here, and I love every second of it. It's quiet at all times (aside from our dogs when they want attention). Most think it's odd that I (an original Ottawa boy) came to such a small place; also weird that I set in so easy. *shrug* I didn't do much in Ottawa to begin with, so really having nothing to go do isn't hard for me to fathom or live with.

I dunno... I do miss Ottawa because of some of the people. I still talk occasionally with friends, and used to chill occasionally with them. But that's not enough to pull me back to the big city. I'd need a steady rockin' job, and a good place to live out in the country to even start contemplating moving back.
Same with Kingston; it was an interesting place to be. I spent about a year there, and have ONE person I still semi-consistently talk to via text. But there, there's no country.
*shrug* Doesn't matter anyway.

I'm more than happy here.
I'm still with my parents, and my girlfriend's with us too. She's back in school now, and enjoying it. I like that I can help when I'm not exhausted from working. She's got a job out here too, and loves it. She's like SUPER country, and LOVES horses. Lo and behold she's found work at a ranch. :)
It makes me happy that she's happy in what she's doing. Us both having jobs, we do as many of our own groceries as we can and try not to eat mom and dad's food.
Sometimes money gets a bit tight, but we get by.
I have a new car; I got a Jeep. So payments and insurance are kinda wicked on the income, but again we get by, which is all that really matters.

Katie's started her first year of Queen's. She's excited, as am I for her. I think she's majoring in Education. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
She's a smart cookie. I'm starting to miss her. Didn't miss her so much when I was in Kingston for some reason; but she spent a little time in Newboro before school started for the year, and now I miss her.

*sigh* I'm watching time tick down until I need to start mopping, and then go clean the laundromat in the back.
I start at 10pm and finish at 6am. Get home to see my girl as she gets ready to head to school, and walk her to the bus stop.
I was surprised how many people went to the school from town. It's funny watching everyone file to the ONE bus stop in town. And it's right in the middle, so it's kinda funny. Anyway... Back to work for me.

Perhaps I write again soon.
Lemme know if you'd like that.

Sorry, I was so boring. :$
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.