
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Reader's Discretion is Advised - Part II

Oh yeah, Part II came that quick.
They just hopped in the fucking shower again.

This is completely rude and inconsiderate.
Something must be done!

Reader's Discretion is Advised

The following will contain explicit sex references, much course language,
and strong suggestions of violence.

I would take this to my dad, as that's what I was supposed to do. But I took two incidents to him, and neither were "resolved."

Issue one...

The first weekend after my sister got together with her new boyfriend; my parents went away for the weekend. Guess who stayed over. Not over only did he stay over; they slept together, in my parents bed.
Oh yeah, they did the dirty. They fucked all night in my parents bed. They woke Ashley and I up, as they were being obnoxious and loud.

I even have some quotes... He wished his "first time was like [this]. Nice and passionate; no one walking in on them." Yeah, I could hear you asshole.

I didn't disturb my parents with his information as they were away, and I wanted them to enjoy their weekend. When my parents came home, I asked my dad politely to let me know the rules of the house when they were away, and how I was to enforce them.
I learned boys could stay with permission, but on the couch.
If something was against the rules, I was not to step in, but call my dad, and he would deal with it.

When brought up to my sister (by my dad) she said that they'd fallen asleep by accident.
Right, if you fell asleep, it was because you were tired from you ridiculous amounts of sex.
Accident my ass.

Issue two...

The next time my parents were away, guess who didn't bother to come home. If you guessed, "my sister," you'd be right.
Not only that, she'd been brought home from school because she was "sick" that afternoon. I heard her go out, oh... around maybe 9 or 10, but I'll say 11 to be kind. I went to the main floor to see what was up around, mmm 1am. The gate was locked to go to her room, so the dogs couldn't get upstairs, and her purse wasn't at the table or on the stool where it usually is.

A boy wasn't over, so I didn't bother to text my dad to say there was issue.

I went to bed around 3 or 4, and checked to see what was going on upstairs.
Front door unlocked as it is when she goes out, gate still locked to get upstairs, and no purse.

The purse is the auto-tell if she is or isn't home. I mentioned it to dad, and said, "I understand the purse may go to her room at off times -" but was quickly cut off, and told that the purse NEVER goes upstairs.
The purse isn't there. = She isn't home.

I woke up around 6 or 7 because the puppies were lonely, barking, and whining. So I went to console them, and make them calm down. While I was up I checked everything; the door was still unlocked, the gate was still locked, and the purse - oh look at that - still not there.

At 8 or 9 - in the morning - the front door opened; the dogs freaked out, and woke me up. TWO people came in and made a stupid amount of noise. I waited for them to go away, and then went and checked what was going on upstairs.
Front door locked, her boyfriend's shoes at the front door, gate done up, but unlocked, and purse on the table. Huh...

When my parents got back, I brought this information to them; and the shit storm seemed to be locked. She'd dug her own grave.

She proceeded to stay out past curfew again, which would make her in so much more trouble.

Apparently not; she got out of the bind with saying that she got back around 4, which is complete bullshit. The waterworks made my dad become a softy, and got her out of all trouble. Also - in my eyes - complete bullshit.
Then she yelled and screamed and swore and slammed doors, and continued to get away with it. Oh she got a "firm talking to," but no punishment; just "Tut tut, don't do it again."
*shakes head*

Issue three...

THIS weekend - oh look! My parents are away again. Who'd've thought...
I'm staying in my parents room, so the puppies have someone to be with at night, and aren't lonely again. It's working out great.

I moved my stuff upstairs last night, and when I went for a (quite literally) midnight snack; she came home. She was in and out of the house a bunch of times. Then finally - after I'd been in the kitchen a while - he came in too. They both went up to her room, and; oh yeah, he spent the night.

The way I see it; it doesn't matter what's said, and what proof I have, she'll never get trouble. So why should I bother wasting my time texting to say, "He's spending the night in her bed." Keep in mind, I'm across the hall in my parents room.

I fell asleep around 3am, woke up at 5:50 because the dogs wanted to go out. Oh look, his shoes were still here. Bring the puppies back upstairs and go to sleep, wake up at 9 to call the Ranch because, I was on-call to find out if I had work today. I didn't get work.
Checked for the shoes, and; OH YEAH! They're still THERE...

Eventually they wake up, make noise, blah blah.
Then they go out, and come back. Then someone goes in the bathroom, turns on music loud, and goes for a shower. I thought I was hearing HIM talk down a floor on the XBox. Keep in mind, I'm still in my parents room with the puppies and the bathroom's the NEXT room. I looked downstairs 'cause I was hungry, and he's not in the living room. Huh...

So I pause outside the bathroom, and - well does anyone have any guesses?
His voice was coming from the bathroom. Her voice; coming from the bathroom. Oh, and they're having sex, in the shower.

They were having sex, loud enough for me to hear in the next room, over TV and their music.

Look... They're called fucking manners, and respect.
Neither of them respect me, my parents, or the rules that have been set.
Solutions? Either I get more authority to enforce the set rules, and ways to do so, or; she goes to live in Kingston with my dad, where his new job is.
Pick, 'cause I can control myself enough to just drag his ass down the stairs and throw him out on the curb; even though I'd like the kick the shit out of him before and after.

I just wants SOMEthing to be done, so my sister stops getting away with fucking murder. It's ridiculous.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tattoo - Revisited (Part II)

So I decided to go with the cassette, which leaves two things...
One, do I stick with the plain cassette like the picture I posted, or modify it some more to really make it my own, and; two, where should I get it?

All that being said, I have modified it, but am still open to the old, unmodified cassette.

Kinda looking for some comments from others. I have - of course - spoken to Ashley, and listened to what she had to say, but we didn't really get to finish the conversation, and my ideas were only words. Now I have PICTURES!!!

Here's the pictures; I look forward to hearing everyone's words of advice. :)
And yes, all songs are actual songs, and all time's are actual times. I don't screw around with stuff like that. :P

The Original Idea

Use Somebody
Kings of Leon
Same as <-- plus the song length.
Still the One
Shania Twain
Same as <-- plus the song length.