
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Gleeful Post

So, I started watching Glee...
I wanted to keep it a secret so I could be like, "Boo! I've caught up!"

It's actually decent.

I started watching for something to watch, and a little out of annoyance that my choir seemed to know EVERY LITTLE THING about it, and quoted it at random times. But mostly because; Ashley seems to love it.

I've wanted to pop out on Twitter and quote people, or comment about what I was watching; but as I was keeping it a secret, that  made THAT impossible. SO... I decided to write what was going through my head here - in a draft - and post it once I told you I'd been watching.

Just some notes on characters.
Finn's cool. A little dumb, but reminds me of me in the shyness ways. He has a pretty good voice. His vocal range is pretty much mine. SO I like him more 'cause of that.
Puk's cool too. Unfortunately, he's an ass.
Quinn's always gonna be a cheerleader bitch, even if she gets kicked off the Cheerios again.
Arty's awesome. I LOVED his rendition of Dancing with Myself. :)
Rachel's stupid. She's an ego maniac. Her range is so tight, that anything she has to change to sing, hurts my poor ears. She can pull off some awesome stuff though. Apparently, everyone thinks she's some sort of hot tomali. I have to STRONGLY disagree. Sometimes maybe a LITTLE, but the nose is an eye magnet, and snaps you right out of it. *shiver*
Kurt's hysterical. He's a great character, and a great guy. He's very much comic relief though.
The black girl CAN have a good voice, but she doesn't sing well. No, your mouth doesn't need to move like that to make that sound.
The Asian girl was terrible faking her stutter.

In advance; this will be ridiculously full of SPOILERS...
Also, I apologize for telling EVERYONE "I'm bored," and "I'm not doing anything," for the last week or so. I was actually hiding that I was watching Glee, and keeping it a secret to surprise Ashley. I wrote a blog anyone can read, so clearly I wasn't an embarrassed "closeted Gleek."
AND I apologize to @gunderwoman1 for dragging my feet on the Doobie Brothers. This was a major reason. I'm all hands on it now.

Season 1

Some quick notes that I have no episode references to, as I started here way too late...
I liked how Kurt came out of the closet to his dad. I was SO worried that he'd be upset and angry. I nearly cried when he was totally accepting. Not understanding (not in a bad way), but accepting.
"I've known since all you wanted for your" third (I think) "birthday was a sensible pair of heels." I laughed through tears. :)

Episode 13 - Sectionals
I LOVED this one. I was pissed that the other groups used their playlist, but I teared up when they got to their second number in the competition. I was so happy they made their own numbers quick like that. I was also happy that the Schuester and Pilsbury got together at the end.

Episode 14 - Hell-O
Rachel's take on "Give you Hell" hurt me. When it started, mostly when she started singing, I wanted to fast forward. Unfortunately, I couldn't. I was watching online.
I was REALLY not happy with Schuester's making out with Vocal Adrenalin's director after I thought they were gonna FINALLY get together.

Episode 15 - The Power of Madonna
"Let's talk about it, or sing about it." (Jesse St. James from Vocal Adrenalin)
Oh god it's me... lol
"I thought I'd feel different." (Finn)
Yeah, I felt the same way buddy. Gotta find the right girl. :) Trust me.

Episode 16 - Home
This is the one where we find out about Kurt's dad, and Finn's mom. I loved the speech that Kurt's dad gives Finn, and you can tell there's really something there between the parents. But poor Kurt feels like he's losing his dad. :(
Also, the Jesse and Rachel thing seems to be holding strong. I'm glad she's not dating Finn, as she's CLEARLY a handful. But I'm happy she's found happiness with Jesse.

Episode 18 - Laryngitis
I'd never thought of it before, but yeah; Jesse's Girl does fit for Finn's situation. I was SO happy when the song started. And I LOVED Puk's rendition of The Lady is a Tramp. Awesomeness!

Episode 19 - Dream On
Shut UP! Neil Patrick HARRIS?!?!? You've gotta be KIDDING me. Awesome...
All I think is "Aww Barney..." lol But "YAY!" for Piano Man! :)
The final song started and I went, "Awesome song!" but then realized I should've figured. The episode TITLE was a HUGE give away. lol
And then, "ARTY!"

Episode 22 - Journey SEASON FINALE!!!
One group's name had oral in the title. Made me laugh. It was like Oral Intensity, or something. How awkward and bad. lol
I was happy with the ending. "Yay" for Rachel's mom adopting Quinn and Puk's daughter. I know someone who was happy with the last song of the season though. :)

Season 2

Episode 1 - Audition
LOVED the opening sequence with the Jew-fro loser blogger. It was a nice little recap. Made it seem like they were ACTUALLY on summer break, giving the show that touch of realism to all who weren't watching episodes consecutively. And I mean the sequence AFTER the flash back to "Last season on Glee."
Beiste looks like Tanaka. lol It's funny.

Episode 2 - Britney/Brittany
The Britney music video fantasies are awesome... except for Rachel. Her monster chin and jaw, with large nose bothers me. lmao Yeah! ARTY!
The Britney medley was AWESOME!

Episode 3 - Grilled Cheesus
KURT LINED UP OVER NIGHT FOR SEASON SIX OF GREY'S!!! Not to mention he's a really great dresser. I'm jealous... :$
Yeah Puk! Only the Good Die Young, Billy Joel. :)

So... this episode got annoying with the god shit. I'm all for believing what you want, but there no need to designate an entire episode to it. Finn praying to grilled cheesus would be a funny episode, but then making everyone sing religious songs and pressing poor Kurt to believe is WRONG. I'm on his and Sue's side here. Sue's a bitch, but that's her character.

And Rachel saying that her's and Finn's kids HAVE to be Jewish is ridiculous. They should talk about it (when they get there, they're in high school for god's sake), and she shouldn't be such a prima donna about... well - life. Some "good" for her; she sounds like the little mermaid (sometimes) if I let her song play in the background while I type here. *shrug*
Have I ever mentioned she also over annunciates, and has weirdly shaped lips. She's kinda awkward all over.

LOVE Kurt's take on The Beatles, I Wanna Hold Your Hand. :)
And back to the religious brow beating. Finn singing R.E.M.'s, Losing My Religion.

Episode 4 - Duets
Yeah Kurt sounds like a girl, whether he's singing or not; but he has a really good voice. Rachel's compliments his very well. And Sam and Quinn's duet BLEW my mind. They're a good pair. I'm glad they're a couple now.

Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed
YAY! Puk's back!
The Warblers take on Teenage Dream reminds me of Harmonic Generation. Too bad they're auto
tuned. Oh yeah, I heard that. Unfortunately, I don't like that song. It's catchy, but stupid...
"You can't punch the gay outta me any more than I can punch the ignoramus outta you!" (Chris Colfer)

Episode 7 - The Substitute
Awesome! Gwyneth Paltrow! Hullo... Cee Lo Green! Awesome...
Puk's loving this...

Paltrow has better legs than Rachel; just thought I'd say so. Also, I liked the Chicago number.

Episode 8 - Furt
I liked Sam's promise ring thing to Quinn. Everything he said was awesome, but him leading link he wanted to marry her was kinda cheesy.

I saw the Marry You number on YouTube with Ashley.

I like the couples that they have right now. I know they probably won't stick because... well... one, it's a TV show; and two, it's "high school." But they fit well. :)

LOVED the wedding... And it ended with SWAY! Woo!

(8)When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change.(8)

I'll admit to crying when Finn and Kurt ("Furt") danced. :)

Episode 9 - Special Education
Shut up! Evita! (8)Don't cry for me Argentina...(8)
And Train... It's getting SO good!

And Sam did a little Michael Jackson crotch grab, spin, and stand on toes thing. Props to him, and yet... "No Sam... No..."

Episode 10 - A Very Glee Christmas
I'm sorry, but Brittany's Christmas wish for Arty was SO cute. Black Santa was kind of a dick about it, even though they were like, "No! Say you can't!"
Loving Baby it's Cold Outside with Kurt and his gay friend. :)
The episode was unfortunately close to How the Grinch Stole Christmas, which made it cool, and yet weird...

Oh my god! I teared up when Arty got his Christmas miracle. Coach Beiste is such a nice person. :)

Episode 11 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Need You Now was decent, but they need to work on singing like it's supposed to be sung. Don't annunciate so damn much!
As if they called themselves the Superbowl in the post Superbowl showing...

Episode 12 - Silly Love Songs
Aww... Kurt's views on Valentine's Day were like Miss Ashley's. :) AND PUK CAN'T KISS! lmao I respect his choice in women. Not saying I agree with it (or completely agree with his new found "type"), but I respect it. Loved the Queenage, by the by.
Rachel can certainly dish it out when it comes down to it. Slap in the face to Santana. :| And poor Kurt! :(
"Go Finn!" for standing by NOT letting Rachel back up in his Finnage. lol
Thank you Arty for the Michael Jackson! (8)I want to love you (P-Y-T) / Pretty young thing.(8)

And at Rachel's take on Firework, Glee becomes like TV's modern take on Grease. Good thing Grease was good. Or... the first one was, at least.

Episode 13 - Comeback
And it's been Biebered... To clarify for all; I'm a huge fan f his musical prowess, and lyrics. My only snag being he's way too young to be singing what he sings. Also, his hair, and overall attitude...
Glee's done a great job or SOMEwhat reworking his tunes, and the choreography. But! But but but... The guys dressing and getting their hair like his, was unnecessary, and stupid.

K, Finn's become a jerk. Making Quinn cheat on Sam is terrible. And why's he still chilling with Rachel when they're CLEARLY broken up. *shakes head*

I always get a kick out of the name "Oral Intensity." I mean come ON! lol

So... Now I have caught up on Glee. Yes, I actually do like it. That being said; it doesn't mean I can't still mock it. It still has areas to be made fun of.
So there!

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