
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day of Decency

Well, we've found what I'm good at.
First drills today were offside stuff, penalty procedure, and dropping the puck. All of these things I'm awesome at.

Most of the teachers now me by name now, and the main NHL teacher (who's new as of this morning) does too. He also enjoys chirping at me, and picking on me (like guys do) for fun.
Don Koharski's son was also having some fun with me in the offside drill, and his cousin was doing the same in the penalty procedure drill.

We're at lunch now, and I'm back to the classroom at 1:45pm. I was having trouble staying awake this morning. Some because it was just REALLY long, and some because it was just too early.
College and university students who've had those ridiculously boring early classes know what I mean.

Ugh, Comm II at 8 was TERRIBLE.

We'll see what the rest of my day holds.

When I'm back... I'm back. - PART III

from home and Ashley, which I really wouldn't want to do.
The OHL would have me more centralised around my home town, kind of;
but I don't know if the same sort of NHL visiblity is there...

I don't think I'll go for the CHL, just 'cause I don't want to be so
far from everyone, and everything I know.
I'll just keep coming back to camp every year 'til the NHL notices me
here. Not only would I be close to home, but I would get to keep
training with Don Koharski, who is awesome; just as a side note...

Anyway; I'm trying to get to sleep, as A I'm tired, and B I need to
get up closer to 6 in the morning for shower, breakfast, and camp
It's so early.

I'm going to batter with friggin' Novamov for a bit; see if I can
maybe get House to work on it. If no, then I'll try and find a movie
before it gets too late.

I'm sleeping in my Taylor Swift concert shirt, and pyjama pants my
Ashley and her family gave me for Christmas.

Ah Christmas; it's so far away.
I love Christmas. Don't you?

When I'm back... I'm back. - PART II

which IS the proper way; don't get me wrong, I'm not being a smartass.
The left turning crossovers I can do, but they're REALLY weak in
comparison to every one else. And there's LOADS of power-skating stuff
that I just DON'T know as I've never, taken power-skating.

It bothers me.
It really took the wind out of my sails.
But I'm glad the teachers are very helpful, and try to help me out as
they see I'm struggling. Unfortunately, they see I'm struggling.

I could out there were six referee spots open in two different
leagues. Five of which are in the Ontario Hockey League.
The last one is in the Central Hockey League (which is now known as
"The Center of Hockey," becuase it's in the center of the States.
Unfortunately, I'd have to go and stay down south in the winter to do
it, whether I go full or part-time. This would mean I would room with
three or four other guys. Pay's good, and I'd REALLY have a chance at
beening seen by the NHL (which I really want to go for) but I'd have
to be so far away

When I'm back... I'm back. - PART I

Yes, I plan to be back.

So... I went to registration, which was MUCH more than "registration."
We got there, and got registered. Got our name tags and "free" swag.
(Yes I know; Stuff We All Get. That's why I used it.) Met the
"teachers." And then oh yeah, "Quick, go outside and stretch."
"Why did you stretch?" you might ask, "I thought it was only
'registration.'" Oh no, it was stretch, and then get your gear on and
skate your ass off for an hour.

This is when I realized; I have a lot of work to do. I'm in good
shape, compared to the other guys. They were huffing and puffing
quick. But they can do skating stuff that I just can't. :( It really
bothers me. I have good speed (in comparison. And that's all I'll
compare here) in straight-aways, and I'm pretty sure if the ice was
better, and my skates were sharpened well ('cause they weren't, or
aren't at the moment) I could do decently in the turny stuff.
But the right turning crossovers, I can't do. Backwards skating, I can
do my own way; not their "proper" way

Friday, June 25, 2010

What's There to Complain About?

Well... I am now in Burlington, cozied into my hotel room, with my PS3 set up for online-ness. Took a while to get it that way though. Even had to go down to the front desk to say, "Uhh, your network won't let me on..." and they couldn't tell me what I was doing right (or wrong) and how to fix it. They gave me a number to call (that wasn't even IN the hotel) so I said to myself, "Either I'm figuring it out myself, or I'm being bored for my stay." Look at that, I figured it out. :P

Once I did that I tried to load the next episode of House (since I had like two hours to kill). That was... fun. I tried a ton of times, and haven't been able to get that episode working for several days. So I have given up on it, unfortunately.

Now this gets graphic, so continue at you own risk...

I sat down to take a - well, what guys do sitting on "the throne." Best one by far, not that anyone needed to know that. I looked down... there, and realised, "Uhh, I'm alomst touching the water," and IMMEDIATELY fushed, which made no difference in my - *coughcough*'s - proximity to the water.
My reaction was, "Aw c'mon! You gotta be kidding me..."

After some thought (which I had time for while finishing my business), I realized that that may not be the proper reaction to the situation.
There are three ways to look at it:

1 - My reaction. This being the, "Aww damn!" way;
2 - A "Dude, I have a decent sized object down there," way about it, or;
3 - The reaction that is complete neutral between the two, and doesn't
care. Just finish and get off.

Anyway, I need to start getting ready to head to registration.
Depending on what happens there I may write more later; be it AT registration, or back here in the hotel room.

We shall see...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back in Business!

Hurray for this! We are TRULY back in business (for which we can greatly thank Apple).
I have a brand spankin' new keyboard and It is SO awesome. Lord it's comfy. It makes me think my (upcoming) transition to Mac will be even more awesome than I'd hoped. PC's been REALLY getting on my nerves, and my laptop crashing over - well; nothing, was the last straw.
I plan to keep my desktop tower until I can afford myself an iMac, and the first thing on the purchase list (technologiwise) now is a MacBook something or other. It'll make life much easier.
Miss Ashley and I can go back to the good old days, where I could go on Twitter in my room, and do stuff while Direct Messageing her, rather than (since the laptop crashed) my running up and down the stairs to send text messages. (Please note that I have ZERO issue with text messaging, just I have NO cell signal in my house, so my cell has to stay up a floor, which is SUCH a pain in the ass.
Trust me on this one.

I may have to go soon. My (soon to be) brother-in-law's friend has signed on the Playstation Network, and I may be wanted for a Call of Duty rematch. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't beat him, but I did do better than the pair of them expected.

Where was I? No clue...

Anyway... Tomorrow night, after my chiropractor appointment (yes, I see the chiropractor) I'm off to Burlington. The first thought to SOMEone's mind will be, "Burlington Coat Factory! Haha..." This can, undoubtly be blamed on The Office, and Michael Scott. I'm off to Burlington for a referee camp, where NHL, AHL, and CHL scouts (for referees) will be, to see if I've got what it takes to be (what I really want to be as a career) a referee.
Fingers crossed pleases everyone. Oh yes, I AM nervous. As in "sick to my stomach, might throw up sometime soon," nervous, which is no fun at all. Again, trust me... Four days away from all I know; friends (the few that there are), family (except for Liz on Thursday night and Friday morning) and most importantly, my beautiful girlfriend Ashley. I really do wish she could join me; not only because she'd really help my nerves, but because I love her and I'm really going to miss her.

Out of things to say now. :$
