
Monday, May 2, 2011

Tattoo - Revisited

So, to all who didn't know... my last tattoo idea - as seen in Where I'm Whirring Right Now - crashed and burned, so I have been on the search again. My search has been long, tireless, and with no end in site (until recently, maybe).

For starters, I did reach out to my readers for help (the small number you are), and; I did receive some feedback. I thank those of you who attempted to aid my search, profusely. Your ideas did not fall on blind eyes, and deaf ears. (You know who you are.)
That being said, this door is not closed. I'm still welcoming ideas, even though I have come up with two - yes two - of my own possibilities.

I played with may ideas of refereeing, but couldn't make any stick out to my eye, and into my mind, as; hugely creative and unique. One that would not have a random person see it and go, "Sorry, I don't get it." Essentially, self explanatory to a point.
An example being, "I see the quill. It's beautiful. What does it symbolize?" kind of deal. This of course not being MY tattoo, but; a perfect example of the simplicity, and yet intricacy that I'm in search of.

My new ideas tie me to the era in which I was born into; the 90s. Let's face it; I am a 90s child. Among the first of the decade. Super Nintendo was THE game system to own, alongside the Sega Genesis.
I watched the computers we know today become common place in households, along with cell phones, and laptops.
I saw the start and end of the ORIGINAL GameBoy, GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Colour, GameBoy Advance, and Gamboy SP, PS1, PS2, N64, XBox, and GameCube.
The birth of the Wii, the PS3, and the XBox 360, the CD, DVD, BluRay, flat screen, plasma TV, and of course the iPod.
And in all this I saw the death of cassette tapes, and the VCR with its VHS tapes.

And this leads to my new ideas...

First, the cassette tape. Not only did it bring me music, but the NEVER forgotten "books on tape," that I loved; mostly so I wouldn't actually need to READ the books. (These books had nothing to do with school, to clarify.)

Now, most people have a love of music - this I do not claim for myself. But I have a tie to music that started as a child. Let's be blunt, shall we? My dad is a kick ass singer. From him I learned to sing, and this increased, and still to this day increases my love for music.

The first music I heard would have been on a cassette, but now it's more likely to come from a CD, or MP3 player of some sort. All the Harry Potter I listened to on tape, eventually moved over to CD, and is now located on my iPod, for easy listening.

So there it is; the cassette.

Second, VHS. I never know what to call it. "The VHS," or "the tape that goes in the VCR." What ever you call it, it was the first thing I would have watched a movie on, and I do love my movies.

I remember having two WALLS of VHS tapes, and recording whatever TV shows I wanted to watch in my room. That's how I watched Pokémon.
Now we have only the best of movies still on VHS, but the movie industry are making DVDs of them, and reselling them. Don't get me wrong; it's a good move on their part, just it's annoying that we can't swap them ourselves. Know what I mean?

There it is; the VHS tape.

So all in all, I've got to things that I've seen die (so to speak) in my lifetime, and both have drastically shaped their industry. All I have to do is pick, put some finishing touches on them, and that will be that.

Now, I've heard tattoos are like Pringles. Pringles' slogan being "I bet you can't eat just one." The tie between the two being that a tattoo, most can't only get just one. (Not judging, just saying.) So that being said, the referee idea is not completely down the tubes, just put on hold; so to speak. And whichever I choose from here - to START - the other wouldn't be trashed, just also put on hold. So really, finishing touches are all I need right now. And ideas are welcome for ALL these. ("All these" being the refereeing idea, and the cassette and VHS (as seen above).) So please, I'd love to hear your two - or perhaps three - cents. (If 50 Cent's reading (which I highly doubt), all your input is welcome too. lol)


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