
Friday, September 28, 2012

Let me hear you!

NFL refs are "nearing an agreement" (although my Twitterverse seems to think they're back), NHL's locked out (again), the military is losing track of their "black assets", and Europe's finances are in dire straights, a mother accused of attempted murder on her teenage daughter, and a father offering $80 million to any man who can woo and marry his lesbian daughter, and J.K. Rowling losing fans with her newest novel.
What am I gonna talk about?
Wouldn't I be a complete dick if I didn't talk about any of that? lol
I'll pass on the first one as... well, I don't really care. *shrug* Not a football guy.
NHL lockout's not much to talk about. Owners are being greedy as are the players. They should've been working this out ages ago and signed a long term collective bargaining agreement LAST time. Although it does raise the question of, "What'll come out of next year's rookies?"
I'm assuming we're losing the season, just like last time. And I do believe the next year Crosby and Ovechkin were then rookies in the same season because of it.
*sigh* Military stuff...
No offense - and I do thank the troops and special forces for doing what they do and protecting us and all - but they don't seem to fight much for us as Canadians. More for the UN and USA. Like, has any country done anything to Canada that we're fighting about? No, nothing comes to mind.
And yeah, it's good to have the stuff to use in CASE we need to, but I can't see that happening.
Europe's finances fall because Greece is painfully in debt, and that's dragging the Euro down.
Something tells me everyone wants their own currency again. *thumbs up*
As long as y'all combine again before I take another trip there, I don't care. Fix the issue.
Mother accused of attempted murder on teenage daughter. *sigh* Muslim family in Canada. Teen finds religion is smothering and wants to be a Canadian teenager. Good on her, I say.
Was out downtown with friends two nights back-to-back, called home to say she was staying out late. Good move. Unfortunately, mommy was a religious radical. "Are you a prostitute?" Was one quotation.
The father was trying to help and talk to the daughter and the mother - with kitchen knife hidden under shirt - says this is a mother daughter issue, and the father should go upstairs until she calls him. She then offers to give her daughter a back rub, and as she's lying face down tries to stab her in the back of the neck.
Wait, WHAT?!
Yes, tries to stab her. Daughter is like, "Whoa..." Mother says not to move, she'll be done in a second.
Let's just take a second here, shall we...
Anyway, father comes to the rescue even though the mother's like, "Let me finish."
Police are called. Mother admits to everything, but her lawyer says that confession mightn't be legitimate because she was still in the moment.
Confession was given on video tape in an interrogation room.
I call bull.
Anyway, moving on.
Chinese father of university girl (who just happens to be not heterosexual) offers $80 million to any guy to turn his daughter straight.
Dude, it's the 21st century. Get over it.
Newest novel found, unmagical. J.K. Rowling tries at an adult novel and the few interested are only interested because of Harry Potter series. So no magic, all muggle cast, and depressing story line makes it not worth the paper it's printed on.
I'm sorry, Harry Potter - yes, awesome - did start to drag at the end. It was a mix of "she lost her touch" and "there was nothing more that could half-logically happen." So really, anyone who expected her to have another go was grasping at straws. *thumbs up*
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Last night of work for me for a bit. Well, two days. So, this is my weekend coming up. Woo!
So I share night shifts with one other person. She's lippy about not enough work. *shrug* Apparently she's been like that since day one, but has the gall to say, "I need [such and such] days off."
Unfortunately for me, that doesn't increase my days I work. That just messes around with my schedule. Not completely fair in my eyes, but who give a crap, right?
Anyway, I told her I may start looking for more work, so I can actually afford groceries and be able to treat my girl occasionally. She said, "Don't I have another job lined up. I'm leaving."
Well that's good news, because no one here wants to work nights, so my work schedule SHOULD get filled out a little more. Shelley (who's worked here 13 or more years) says it's good Tasha's going, if she goes. She's pulled this once before apparently. *rolls eyes* But lo and behold, she swore Shelley to secrecy about her leaving, and then told me, and has yet to tell the big boss. Then two days later when the newest schedule came out hands me more shifts (which I'm very thankful for), but then books a bunch of weekends off right untill the end of the month.
I'm not saying she booked the REST of the month off, but just like... Thanksgiving weekend, the weekend after, the weekend before Halloween, AND Halloween.
Now, Thanksgiving with MY family should be okish to manage, as AJ and I live there, so I just get up a bit early for work for dinner, and then go to work when I need to.
But AJ's mom has post-poned her Thanksgiving for us, as that's an hour (or more) of a drive for us. And it was supposed to be the weekend after Thanksgiving. I thought that a safe bet, as I officially worked Thanksgiving weekend, yeah?
So, I wrote a little note on the schedule saying:
"I was sort of hoping to have Thanksgiving on the 12th & 13th. I figured as I worked the actual Thanksgiving weekend, it wouldn't be too much of a challenge."
And the only reason I worked it was because Tasha booked it off. So we shall see how this all works out. I've only asked for one day off so far, and Tasha asks for weekends all over the place. Given she has kids, but still it's annoying. *sigh*
I also messaged Tasha (she snagged my BBM pin) as she seemed to be like, "Yup, I'm leaving. And I'm leaving soon!" so I figured I'd have more work soon, and be able to snag two days I need in the next schedule.
Me: I'm curious; when is the deadline to find out about that new job? :/
Tasha: I don't know why
Me: [She turned off her phone before I could respond. The beauties of BBM.] I dunno... Was just wondering if it was sooner or later. You asked for time off right 'til the start of November, essentially.
I'll let you know how that goes. Anyway, this all makes sense to me, and AJ too as she's living it as well.
If anyone has questions, or an opinion on this, I'd LOVE to hear it!
Sorry for the rant. :$ Back to work for me now.
Time to mop the floors. *thumbs up*
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I go to start something;

..that's when I realize that the morning rush is JUST about to start. *sigh*

Sorry y'all. Another time, I guess.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.