
Saturday, June 26, 2010

When I'm back... I'm back. - PART I

Yes, I plan to be back.

So... I went to registration, which was MUCH more than "registration."
We got there, and got registered. Got our name tags and "free" swag.
(Yes I know; Stuff We All Get. That's why I used it.) Met the
"teachers." And then oh yeah, "Quick, go outside and stretch."
"Why did you stretch?" you might ask, "I thought it was only
'registration.'" Oh no, it was stretch, and then get your gear on and
skate your ass off for an hour.

This is when I realized; I have a lot of work to do. I'm in good
shape, compared to the other guys. They were huffing and puffing
quick. But they can do skating stuff that I just can't. :( It really
bothers me. I have good speed (in comparison. And that's all I'll
compare here) in straight-aways, and I'm pretty sure if the ice was
better, and my skates were sharpened well ('cause they weren't, or
aren't at the moment) I could do decently in the turny stuff.
But the right turning crossovers, I can't do. Backwards skating, I can
do my own way; not their "proper" way

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