
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Me and Dogs *sigh* (@cesarmillan)

This whole conversation started with my friend on BBM. We were talking about dogs, and I'd mentioned wanting a pit bull, but never getting one.

Me: I like the look of pit bulls, but would never own one, and a Stafford terrier is a look alike breed with nicer colours.

Grace: Yaaaaay :D [dancing emoticon]
Grace: Are they kind? Haha.
Grace: Why you don't want a pit bull? :p

Me: Every dog's kind as long as they're raised right. I'd like a pit bull, but every community has different laws for them. Some have it so they aren't even allowed. I'd rather a dog that looks like one, and I don't need to know a community's laws before moving there. Pit bulls are treated terribly because of their name. :(

Grace: Omg. Why? :s

Me: It started with bull dogs. They were bred to fight bulls. Big strong chest and front legs, jaws that won't let go, and a short nose to get as much on as many teeth as they can. They were then bred with terriers to be faster and more agile in the ring. The sport was call bull baiting. They also were used in bear baiting. Same thing, just with bears.
Once that was made illegal, pit bulls - now a fighting breed - were turned on dogs. Dog fighting. They bred the most aggressive pit bulls to make more aggressive dogs, and then raised them terribly so all they'd want to do is kill.
All of these sports are illegal, but people still give pit bulls a bad name because of this forced breeding they've done for generations. On top of that, owners who don't know how to raise them or aren't dominant enough to keep them in line can lose control of them, and people get hurt. That, or jerks raise them and treat them bad, and then the dogs get angry and need to be corrected and trained because they were raised wrong.

I'm painfully long winded. :$
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Everyone has their one perfect match.

Everyone has that one perfect person; that perfect person they're meant to search for. (NOTE: I may get a little philosophical and deep here, so just bare with me.)

When I say "person" in this sense, I mean like a personality. I don't mean, "Person A will spend their life looking for Person B." That's a bit ludicrous.
I mean "Person A is looking for a person who's personality matches theirs." There could be dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people who match the personality of each person, which makes a tad more sense. And yes, when someone finds the person they match up with, it may feel as though they've found the one person that they were meant to find, or spend their life trying to find.

So yes, everyone does have their perfect match. But no, you don't need to span the globe looking for one person; you just need to find a person with a suitable personality to yours.

*shrug* Makes sense to me.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Everything falling into place.

You know how many jobs I've actually interviewed for? Very few. Most jobs seem to fall into my lap.
Yeah, I've sat interviews, but usually it's like, "Oh yeah! So and so says you're good. When can you start?"

I got a part-time job offer this morning from the guy who does the paper run. He delivers MOST of the papers we get in the morning; he wrote a note and stuck it in my driver's side window. Said to give him a call or text if I was interested in a job. Needless to say, I'm interested.

He caught me before we both left, and we chatted some. Ten minutes later I was tagging along for the end of this morning's run.
So perhaps finally, everything is falling into place.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

I'm still here!

Hey everyone. I wrote a lot over the last bit; sorry I have been around as much now though.
Worked the last three nights but there was nothing really in the paper to talk about in detail - I tweeted about some though, all I needed was 140 characters or less. Also, there was nothing really on my mind so...

I didn't really get to go into the papers tonight as it's bloody busy, and they were mostly "weekend papers." So what was there last night, was there tonight too. *shrug* But anyways!
I'm off "tonight," and am having Thanksgiving with my girlfriend and my family. Later tonight.
I work again Tuesday, so if y'all really care tweet me and/or keep your fingers crossed. Mine would be crossed, but I can't type so well like that.

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Reading the papers again. It's my last shift for a few days, and I set it up so my work load's a little lighter, so I have a bit of time. *thumbs up*
Most of the articles I've read and did the "Super Cliff's Notes Version" on Twitter (@MCurlyH). Explain a whole article in 140 characters or less?
Before I touch on the touchy stuff, I'd like to give a nod to a fellow Canadian. *braces for following beatings* Here's to *pauses* *whincing* Justin Bieber. Yeah you're young and newish to the entertainment industry, but I find myself needing to give you recognition for not ending or cutting short a show because of illness.
Before y'all stop reading, I promise there'll be more on other stuff, but seriously here. He vomitted twice on stage, but still powered through his show.
Now I've thrown up and continued when others would be like "Waah! I'm sicky. I need to go home," but nothing to this extent. This sort of industry is something I've never done to that scale. I've done shows sick - so sick I got told (by the director) to leave and get better. But something as large scale as that; that deserves recognition.
Good job.
Ok, on to more pressing things shall we?
Jesse - now a year and two moths - is getting better. "Who is this 'Jesse'?" you may ask. He's just some kid I read about in the paper.
At 10 months he fell in a backyard garden pond, and nearly drown. He was a real mess and was thought to never be able to recover. He couldn't swallow, see, much less move, or talk. Ok, maybe "talk" is the wrong terminology. "Use his vocal chords," fits better.
One of the family friends read about the incident in the paper and immediately called them with a suggestion to help him recover some. Something that isn't medically proven, but someone else had done and it seriously helped. The use of a hyperbaric chamber.
He's suffering from ischemic hypoxia. Now , four months down the road, doctors are astounded. They don't believe Jesse to be the same child they've been treating. He can see, he can make noise, his dystonia's been cured, he can swallow. He's getting better.
Unfortunately OHIP doesn't cover use of the hyperbaric chamber for such uses. Doctors say that there's no medical proof it works, and he may just be healing because of his age.
But you have to hand it to his mom; an hour a day in a pressurized, oxygenated atmosphere, out of her own pocket, five days a week. That's a TON of money out of pocket, and surreal dedication.
Not only that, they need to cab from the care facility to the place that ALLOWS the "off book" use of the chamber. Expensive stuff.
They're suggesting that surrounding him in an 100% oxygen atmosphere at about 5 meters below sea level can jog his idling brain cells back into drive, so to speak.
As long as there's some sort of progress, I don't see an issue with the idea. Perhaps SOME medical team could start monitoring his progress. Maybe that'll dispel any other medical authorities playing the, "That'll never work," card, and get OHIP coverage on it for anyone else who may need the treatment.
There can't possibly be only ONE almost drown person out there.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Let me hear you!

NFL refs are "nearing an agreement" (although my Twitterverse seems to think they're back), NHL's locked out (again), the military is losing track of their "black assets", and Europe's finances are in dire straights, a mother accused of attempted murder on her teenage daughter, and a father offering $80 million to any man who can woo and marry his lesbian daughter, and J.K. Rowling losing fans with her newest novel.
What am I gonna talk about?
Wouldn't I be a complete dick if I didn't talk about any of that? lol
I'll pass on the first one as... well, I don't really care. *shrug* Not a football guy.
NHL lockout's not much to talk about. Owners are being greedy as are the players. They should've been working this out ages ago and signed a long term collective bargaining agreement LAST time. Although it does raise the question of, "What'll come out of next year's rookies?"
I'm assuming we're losing the season, just like last time. And I do believe the next year Crosby and Ovechkin were then rookies in the same season because of it.
*sigh* Military stuff...
No offense - and I do thank the troops and special forces for doing what they do and protecting us and all - but they don't seem to fight much for us as Canadians. More for the UN and USA. Like, has any country done anything to Canada that we're fighting about? No, nothing comes to mind.
And yeah, it's good to have the stuff to use in CASE we need to, but I can't see that happening.
Europe's finances fall because Greece is painfully in debt, and that's dragging the Euro down.
Something tells me everyone wants their own currency again. *thumbs up*
As long as y'all combine again before I take another trip there, I don't care. Fix the issue.
Mother accused of attempted murder on teenage daughter. *sigh* Muslim family in Canada. Teen finds religion is smothering and wants to be a Canadian teenager. Good on her, I say.
Was out downtown with friends two nights back-to-back, called home to say she was staying out late. Good move. Unfortunately, mommy was a religious radical. "Are you a prostitute?" Was one quotation.
The father was trying to help and talk to the daughter and the mother - with kitchen knife hidden under shirt - says this is a mother daughter issue, and the father should go upstairs until she calls him. She then offers to give her daughter a back rub, and as she's lying face down tries to stab her in the back of the neck.
Wait, WHAT?!
Yes, tries to stab her. Daughter is like, "Whoa..." Mother says not to move, she'll be done in a second.
Let's just take a second here, shall we...
Anyway, father comes to the rescue even though the mother's like, "Let me finish."
Police are called. Mother admits to everything, but her lawyer says that confession mightn't be legitimate because she was still in the moment.
Confession was given on video tape in an interrogation room.
I call bull.
Anyway, moving on.
Chinese father of university girl (who just happens to be not heterosexual) offers $80 million to any guy to turn his daughter straight.
Dude, it's the 21st century. Get over it.
Newest novel found, unmagical. J.K. Rowling tries at an adult novel and the few interested are only interested because of Harry Potter series. So no magic, all muggle cast, and depressing story line makes it not worth the paper it's printed on.
I'm sorry, Harry Potter - yes, awesome - did start to drag at the end. It was a mix of "she lost her touch" and "there was nothing more that could half-logically happen." So really, anyone who expected her to have another go was grasping at straws. *thumbs up*
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Last night of work for me for a bit. Well, two days. So, this is my weekend coming up. Woo!
So I share night shifts with one other person. She's lippy about not enough work. *shrug* Apparently she's been like that since day one, but has the gall to say, "I need [such and such] days off."
Unfortunately for me, that doesn't increase my days I work. That just messes around with my schedule. Not completely fair in my eyes, but who give a crap, right?
Anyway, I told her I may start looking for more work, so I can actually afford groceries and be able to treat my girl occasionally. She said, "Don't I have another job lined up. I'm leaving."
Well that's good news, because no one here wants to work nights, so my work schedule SHOULD get filled out a little more. Shelley (who's worked here 13 or more years) says it's good Tasha's going, if she goes. She's pulled this once before apparently. *rolls eyes* But lo and behold, she swore Shelley to secrecy about her leaving, and then told me, and has yet to tell the big boss. Then two days later when the newest schedule came out hands me more shifts (which I'm very thankful for), but then books a bunch of weekends off right untill the end of the month.
I'm not saying she booked the REST of the month off, but just like... Thanksgiving weekend, the weekend after, the weekend before Halloween, AND Halloween.
Now, Thanksgiving with MY family should be okish to manage, as AJ and I live there, so I just get up a bit early for work for dinner, and then go to work when I need to.
But AJ's mom has post-poned her Thanksgiving for us, as that's an hour (or more) of a drive for us. And it was supposed to be the weekend after Thanksgiving. I thought that a safe bet, as I officially worked Thanksgiving weekend, yeah?
So, I wrote a little note on the schedule saying:
"I was sort of hoping to have Thanksgiving on the 12th & 13th. I figured as I worked the actual Thanksgiving weekend, it wouldn't be too much of a challenge."
And the only reason I worked it was because Tasha booked it off. So we shall see how this all works out. I've only asked for one day off so far, and Tasha asks for weekends all over the place. Given she has kids, but still it's annoying. *sigh*
I also messaged Tasha (she snagged my BBM pin) as she seemed to be like, "Yup, I'm leaving. And I'm leaving soon!" so I figured I'd have more work soon, and be able to snag two days I need in the next schedule.
Me: I'm curious; when is the deadline to find out about that new job? :/
Tasha: I don't know why
Me: [She turned off her phone before I could respond. The beauties of BBM.] I dunno... Was just wondering if it was sooner or later. You asked for time off right 'til the start of November, essentially.
I'll let you know how that goes. Anyway, this all makes sense to me, and AJ too as she's living it as well.
If anyone has questions, or an opinion on this, I'd LOVE to hear it!
Sorry for the rant. :$ Back to work for me now.
Time to mop the floors. *thumbs up*
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I go to start something;

..that's when I realize that the morning rush is JUST about to start. *sigh*

Sorry y'all. Another time, I guess.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Nut bag...

Who heard about the guy who wants to plead manslaughter to killing his wife?

I was reading the Toronto Sun - a perk of the job - and was appalled. *shakes head*
They were in an unhappy relationship, engaged, she already had a son with cerebral palsy, and he was a religious nut bag, clearly.

She was now pregnant with his child, wanted nothing to do with him (she was seeing another dude, so baby mightn't've even been the nutter's) and wanted an abortion because - for obvious reasons - her son was a bit of a handful.
They argued for a while, and after a bit the neighbours heard him yell, "Fuck this shit!" and all goes silent. He then runs off with some other chick for two days, after his ex-fiancee's found dead, wrapped in a duvet, and a knife plunged into her chest with a page of the bible on it. :|

Before stabbing her, he beat her in the head with a hammer. *shakes head*

"Manslaughter" - if I'm understanding correctly - is not a premeditated act. But beating someone over the head with a hammer, and pulling a page out of the bible and thrusting a knife into someone's chest is pretty well thought out.
He claims he didn't mean to kill her. Fine, a few shots to the head mightn't kill someone. The hammer, and some MAY survive. But a knife to the chest? Dude, stop lying to the world and yourself, you meant to kill.

And WHAT's the fifth commandment? "Thou shall not kill," dumbass.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

WHAT am I doing UP at this hour?!

Well I'm working. If I was at home, I wouldn't be blogging right now, as I have a beautiful girl in my bed. That's a downfall to working the night shift; not being able to spend nights in one's own bed.

Lot's happened since I last wrote here. Been keeping busy. Work work work, when the shifts come to me. I need more hours, but I can easily pick up shifts as it gets colder out.
I work at the only gas station and 24 hour convenience store in this area, so it get pretty dead as fall sets in, and winter looms.

My family's moved to Newboro, which is about 40 minutes outside of Kingston. I work 5 minutes outside of Newboro, in Westport.
It's very country out here, and I love every second of it. It's quiet at all times (aside from our dogs when they want attention). Most think it's odd that I (an original Ottawa boy) came to such a small place; also weird that I set in so easy. *shrug* I didn't do much in Ottawa to begin with, so really having nothing to go do isn't hard for me to fathom or live with.

I dunno... I do miss Ottawa because of some of the people. I still talk occasionally with friends, and used to chill occasionally with them. But that's not enough to pull me back to the big city. I'd need a steady rockin' job, and a good place to live out in the country to even start contemplating moving back.
Same with Kingston; it was an interesting place to be. I spent about a year there, and have ONE person I still semi-consistently talk to via text. But there, there's no country.
*shrug* Doesn't matter anyway.

I'm more than happy here.
I'm still with my parents, and my girlfriend's with us too. She's back in school now, and enjoying it. I like that I can help when I'm not exhausted from working. She's got a job out here too, and loves it. She's like SUPER country, and LOVES horses. Lo and behold she's found work at a ranch. :)
It makes me happy that she's happy in what she's doing. Us both having jobs, we do as many of our own groceries as we can and try not to eat mom and dad's food.
Sometimes money gets a bit tight, but we get by.
I have a new car; I got a Jeep. So payments and insurance are kinda wicked on the income, but again we get by, which is all that really matters.

Katie's started her first year of Queen's. She's excited, as am I for her. I think she's majoring in Education. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
She's a smart cookie. I'm starting to miss her. Didn't miss her so much when I was in Kingston for some reason; but she spent a little time in Newboro before school started for the year, and now I miss her.

*sigh* I'm watching time tick down until I need to start mopping, and then go clean the laundromat in the back.
I start at 10pm and finish at 6am. Get home to see my girl as she gets ready to head to school, and walk her to the bus stop.
I was surprised how many people went to the school from town. It's funny watching everyone file to the ONE bus stop in town. And it's right in the middle, so it's kinda funny. Anyway... Back to work for me.

Perhaps I write again soon.
Lemme know if you'd like that.

Sorry, I was so boring. :$
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.