
Monday, October 8, 2012

Everything falling into place.

You know how many jobs I've actually interviewed for? Very few. Most jobs seem to fall into my lap.
Yeah, I've sat interviews, but usually it's like, "Oh yeah! So and so says you're good. When can you start?"

I got a part-time job offer this morning from the guy who does the paper run. He delivers MOST of the papers we get in the morning; he wrote a note and stuck it in my driver's side window. Said to give him a call or text if I was interested in a job. Needless to say, I'm interested.

He caught me before we both left, and we chatted some. Ten minutes later I was tagging along for the end of this morning's run.
So perhaps finally, everything is falling into place.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

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