
Sunday, August 15, 2010

The World from Right Now - Part 2

... on their website, and none of the positions are marked for Ottawa. All are in Missisaga (I know that's spelt wrong). So really, I'm somewhat lost.
I know they got in trouble recently in the states. They jipped a load of people. The equated a therm (an energy term) to a gallon, and charged people a whole lot more for gas than they should have. They got people to sign contracts for several years that were like cell
phone contracts. "Leave us and pay us a LOT of money," deals. Don't you hate those?

Speaking of cell phone contracts. Miss Ashley's is up around Chirstmas (and mine in March, I think (still waiting on word from my provider)). We wanted to use Bell ('cause they're awesome; need I say more?) and thought, "Well hell, we plan to be together for - well, the rest of our lives, and; it'd be a whole lot cheaper (in the long) run to do a family plan." Unfortunately for me, I can't check pricing on that online.
It's silly, I used to be able to, and then the site changed; and to do a family plan (or a ...

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