
Monday, May 3, 2010

Typing in Boredom

Well... Boring day so far.
Figured I'd be all "Woo hoo!" 'cause I started this, and have a million things to write and say. But not so much. Spent the whole day home.

Tried to play some XBox; that was boring. I find myself wanting to play Call of Duty, but I only have it for DS, so I looked for a similar game I already own; I don't have any. Star Wars Battlefront got old when I beat it for the hundredth time.

I tried Lord of the Rings, which (as it turns out) is just as boring as the movies. Mind you, all I have is The Fellowship of the Ring, and The Two Towers.
The first one, all you do it run around as Frodo, who does nothing (I was looking for and action game.
The second one you do fight, but there's one guy you can't land a shot on, AND he's huge. All you can to is run up and swing at him - which does nothing - and then he smashes you wth a HUGE bloody hammer; if you're lucky, you don't fall over. THEN, he picks you up, shakes you around, and throws you at the ground. Oh! And running away doesn't help either, 'cause then he throws logs at you until you come back, or he decides to "chase" after you. (I used the term "chase" very loosely, as he's a huge clumsy orc, and can't run fast.)

Then I tried Star Trek - Shattered Universe. (Shut up. Yes, I'm kind of a Trekker.) The premiss of the game is that your ship got sent to a parallel universe and you're trying to get back. On top of that; YOU are a BAD guy in the alternate universe, so everyone tries to kill you. I played before, but my save file was lost (apparently) so I started over. Beat the first level, then got bored.

Now I wait to go umpire some baseball.
Tik... Tok...

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