
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Childish ways...

Now, I was play Call of Duty with my sister. I've never really played on an XBox 360, but that's the system she's borrowing at the moment.
I'm a competitive being; it's just the way I am. And yeah, I was
really tired of losing every time; but hey, I was getting better.

We play capture the flag. First time I played, it was 3-2. Then a whole bunch of 9-1 and 9-0 games. More 9-0, but I was getting better. I killed her more often.

Played tonight, and I kept all the games close; she never won by more than 3. When I'd say that, I'd get shot down and made fun of; but I never bit back.
One game I even got to take it to a TIE-BREAKER!!!
Still lost though.

Last game, she decides (without asking) to "make it fun," which means "pick a really hard map to watch [me] run around like my head's been cut off."
It was 1-0 for her for the longest time. When I finally got my hands on her flag; then I was running around like my head was cut off. I COULDN'T FIND MINE!!! AHH!!!
When she caught up with me and killed me, I said that the level was so hard, and that it was like a giant huge maze. (Remember I was playing, not grammatically correct.)

She gave me an instruction - that I was really already doing - so I told her I was doing that. Then she got all almighty about it, and said it again, but more rude. I told her I was doing it already, and called her a smart ass.
She flipped out.
She was winning, and one word got under her skin.
She threatened to turn off the game, and I told her that would be very immature of her.

We went to the second half; I was down by one. We switched sides.
Somehow I managed to get one, and stop her from getting mine. We went into a tie-breaker at 1-1.
She'd kind of started to chill a little... but then I WON!!!

Usually, when I win after LOADS of losing, I explode into celebration. But this time; all I did was whisper, "Finally," set down the controller, and look to the ceiling.

And then she exploded about me calling her a smart ass, and said I could never play again. (Kind of like turning off the system, no?) Then she tried to tell me that she was going to let me use the system when she wasn't home (as I wasn't allowed), but now she won't.

Between you, me, and the world; that's a bold faced lie. She would have told me sooner, and of course she say it then, 'cause it makes her not have to follow through. That' be like her saying, "I was going to lie in the middle of the highway for you, but I won't now because..." or "I was going to jump off the roof just for you, but I won't now."

She's a liar; I won, and; I completely unnerved her with logic (thank you Vulcans), so that's another win for me.
Not being able to play Call of Duty is a VERY small price to pay. Winning is MUCH more important.

I plan to buy a Wii and PS3 with Call of Duty in the future, and they will be mine (not borrowed from someone else) so I can return the favour; FOR YET ANOTHER WIN!!!

I love winning.

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