
Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Relationship with Netflix

What'm I watching now? Uh, I've been watching stuff here and there, but I never get through them. I'm so exhausted after work, it's just something to keep my - FUCK! I just stood up and spilled my freshly opened beer. *sigh*

K, sorry. Yeah, it's something to keep my mind focused on so I don't over think life while I fall asleep. You know me; that's what I do.
Netflix seems to be the only possible stable relationship I can keep upright and working. *sigh*

I dunno how many of you heard; mom found a puppy on the drive home Friday. That'd make dog number 5 under our roof.
He was a beautiful boxer; mostly white with a brown patch over his left eye and ear, with a block spotted pink nose. (There's pictures online. Check my Twitter; you can also check @KingOTKanines, and that website too.) He was gorgeous, regal, well behaved, and one of the smartest puppies I've met to date.

He had no tags so we didn't know who owned him, who to contact, or his name. I claimed him as my own; my parents said if no one claimed him they couldn't afford him. I said I'd take care of everything. Changed him from blasting through doors and peeing inside, to sit and stay, knowing what outside is, waiting for my permission to enter and exit rooms, and going outside to go to the washroom without barking, but learning how to get attention to go that without being annoying in the space of a night.
I've always had a slight attraction to the boxer breed. I learned more about them in having him (who I'd named Cassius Clay) for a short amount of time. They are an amazing breed. Unfortunately for me, his owners - and their family members - found him online. Mom placed him as a "found dog" on Kijiji. We had some skill testing questions for those who said he was theirs. Of course his family knew all the answers.

They were glad to have him back. They'd worried about him being outside all night. The daughter was very worried for him, and the mother said she didn't sleep. She was nearly in tears in finding him safe, and getting him back.
I was glad to see they love him so much, but I was sad for him to go. We found out his real name is Diesel.

So again, another relationship - that isn't Netflix - starts and ends, so I'm back to Netflix. I'm sure she's happy to have me all to herself.
But things didn't end there by choice; Cassius didn't have a choice of whether to go or stay, and we didn't have a choice of whether to keep him or let him go. He was their's, he is loved, and that is what matters in the end.
So another relationship I - technically - should be able to maintain properly would be my very own dog.

I have to be honest, I did enjoy the immediate companionship. I was happy to have a connection with something.
I'm hoping, once I land my job full-time and finish moving in, I can talk dad into allowing me to have a dog of my own. I feel being able to train a dog from the start will be able to help build my "portfolio" for my new business venture.
In case you were unaware or hadn't heard yet, I'm attempting to start up a job as a "canine educational handler."
The term "trainer" does sound sexy, but it infers that I teach dogs to "sit, stay, lay down, and roll over." That's not what I'm gearing towards. I'm looking to be able to help and teach owners and their dogs to live happily through whatever issues may be on the table, so to speak. Whether it be a peanut butter sandwich, or insecurities. Don't get me wrong, the "sit and stay" stuff if fun and cool, but that's not where I wanna have myself typecast, so to speak. Hence not labeling myself with it and playing with terminology.
"Canine educational handler," comes across professionally, and sounds pretty sexy too. *smirk*

Anyway, back to my subject line.
Yep, I'm watching Netflix still. Not movies currently though, so it's challenging to write up critiques to TV episodes. :S
Right now I'm watching a Netflix series, starring Kevin Spacey. It's called "House of Cards," and it is brilliant. I'm not usually into political dramas, but this one is done surprisingly well. It makes me think that Netflix clearly is doing a great job in what they do, if they have enough money to make their own series starring someone from Hollywood, and having played lead roles in many movies.
Netflix could use a better selection of shows and movies here in grand old Canada, but we are getting along quite well.

Anyway... Time for me to try and get back to sleep. Hope y'all are having a good one, and please be sure to keep in touch however you see fit. :)

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

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