
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Words on Pets

So, I know it shouldn't be a passing thought, but I'm not gonna lie; it was today. I was thinking about pets (past, present, and future).

I've had (in total) 4 cats, 3 dogs, 2 hamsters, a preying mantis, and a monarch butterfly.
Currently I have 3 cats, and 3 dogs; I love them all dearly.

Sometimes, my cat is a little bit of a handful (to say the least). But I mean, I love him. I really do.
He just likes to be the center of attention, and he'll nip/bite, stand on or head-butt you or what you're using, to be just that "the center of attention." For instance, last night he'd bug me for attention, while I was TRYING TO SLEEP. *grumble* Needless to say I was cranky when he did it, and I was cranky this morning.

Now someone brought to my attention *cough*Ashley*cough* that dogs are smarter than cats. At first I was a little taken aback. But she... er... this person had a study to back their statement, so there wasn't much I could say. And really once I thought about it, it seemed true.

Dogs learn commands. Cats, ha! I wish you good luck.
Dogs'll knock whatever they're doing off when you show you're irritated. Cats, ha! I wish you good luck once again.
Cats learn to pee in a litter box. Dogs; well I've never tried it, but it should be doable when you think about it. And then again, cats'll NOT use said litter box when they feel like it, so that point can be somewhat moot.

So that being said; three points, and dogs to top the intellectual power chart.

Anyway, I digress.

I was thinking about my next pet, 'cause lets face it. My buddy Meowth (yes, that is my cat's name) may not act it, but he IS getting up there in years... for a cat. That being said, he can't live forever, and his day WILL come. I'm not saying I'm "hoping" for it, just that it is on its way.
I'm thinking of getting a dog. Like a dog for ME, kind of like Meowth was a cat for ME. I've never had a dog for ME. I mean Emmerson, Steve and Muffy are my families dogs, but Emmer and Muff were here before me, and yeah Steve was new to everyone at the same time, but Katie kind of laid claim to him.

Anyway, I'd like a puppy (more than likely a rescue puppy) (lol Meowth just left the couch. I'd bet because he could tell I was talking about getting a dog.) and that being said, I'd need to be sure he could get on my bed, so the loft would HAVE to go. Also, I'd like him/her to be puppyish, meaning under a year - two at the most - so he could become at least SOMEwhat attached to me as a "parent" sort of figure. And I'd like to be able to meet him/her before he/she is for SURE mine. That being said, he/she'll have to be a local dog to start.

I know it's a tall order, but hey! I can dream, right?

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