
Friday, September 24, 2010

Where I'm Whirring Right Now

Did you know it's actually spelt "whirring"? I though it could be "wurring," or "whurring," or maybe "wherring." says it's "whirring," so that's what I'll go with.

Got as few things buzzing around in my head right now. They didn't just start now, they've been there a while, but I figured I might as well get them down now, asI really haven't written in a while; for which I do apologize, once again.

Keep in mind, none have anything to do with any of the others, so I seem disconjointed; I am being disconjointed.



Yes, I am contemplating getting a tattoo. I'm thinking of getting it in ten months, which'd be sometime in July. I placed it there for a few reasons. One, I've had people say "Wait a year on it," and some have said, "Six months is a good wait time." Twelve plus six is eighteen, divided in two (to get the average) is nine, so ten should be just fine. I just finished designing it, and got it okayed (as in doable), so ten months would be ... July, and; two, it has much to do with TV I watch (alone, and with Miss Ashley), and that would be after all the seasons this fall/winter have concluded.

I plan to get it on the upper right side of my back (shoulderish), but I'm not doing the stereotypical "dude shoulder tattoo" thing. I want to be able to take part in the work force, as I will need to be employed outside of refereeing to survive, before I really start taking off there.

To do that, I needed to keep it in the torso area. And as I refuse to get a tattoo on my lower torso, I confined myself to the upper torso.

Here's the current picture that has been put most places I am usually (ie. Above my TV, over my bed, the stairs to my room, and my computer in my room. Also it's the wallpaper of my cell phone, laptop, and computer.)

In "real size" it's 4.5 inches tall, by about 4.3 inches wide.
Apparently that'll take about three and a half hours to do, and cost close to $500.

Now, there are a couple shows on there that are on the chopping block this season; Dexter and Grey's.
I didn't like them much last season, even though I do really like them.

Dexter, was sort of sketchy, and not as good as it's first two seasons, which was really disappointing to me. And Grey's had a good start and finish, but not so good in the middle. We'll see how they turn out this season.

The Mentalist was on there, but I didn't like last season at ALL, so it got cut. A tangent, and yet not...

I thought I was missing school. At first I couldn't put my finger on why, but after some though I think I got it. It's not the class; definetely not class or the work.
The social aspect. I'm not a really social guy, so I know that sounds weird, but it's true.
I miss being around a large group of the same people (who I vaguely know) on a regular basis. Meaning, "Going to the mall wouldn't cut it."

Both dad, and Miss Ashley have said, "Well go back." I put some thought into it; and I guess I could. But I will NOT go back and run up my student debt for shit I won't ever need.

So today I went browsing. I could only find two things I want, or might like to know as a part-time student. Digital Music Production (, and Graphic Design ( Each one has stuff I'd like to learn, and the good thing is that I can pick the courses I want to learn at my pace, which is awesome.
So, say if there's "How to Draw a Dude Picking His Nose" I can just not take it, 'cause fuck; that's completely and utterly useless.

I looked at Digital Music Production 'cause I like music. I've done the "sing into the computer" thing, and want to know how to make it better. There's a course on making your at home studio, and guiatr lessons for beginners. "No previous music experience required." Awesome, 'cause I'm instrumentally challenged, but would LOVE to learn to play guitar.

Graphic Design I looked at because I like playing with stuff like that. In my Photography course, that was on of my favourite things. And I deisgned my tattoo; so learning how to use all those programs better would be of good use, if I ever decided to do something that involves graphic design, or maybe want another tattoo; it'd work out to my advantage.

I mean there's nothing cooler than being able to go, "Yeah, I designed that," and I think as a tattoo, it'd be even cooler. But we'll see. I mightn't even want another tattoo.

I am looking for a job. I want full-time emplyment, and I want to be at least a little happy with what I do for now. It certainly won't be a career, as I want refereeing to be my career, but like I said before, "I need something now in order to survive."

I am currently living with my parents, but I can't use their health insurance once I turn 21. I turn 21 beginning of February, so the clock's ticking.
It also doesn't help that I'm diabetic. That makes living - even without paying rent and utilities (in the future), food, etc. - VERY expensive. So I need full-time employment, decent pay, and benefits.

In Conclusion
...figured I'd put that so we'd all know I wasn't continuing on the last section.

THAT is what's running through my head right now.

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