
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Return to Reality

I stated this earlier at work, and then my phone decided to forget it; so I'm starting over. Bare with me...

Some people drive me up the wall. It's the people who pretend they don't notice the world around them. I know there are people who actually don't notice, but then there are those people who pretend; and they're morons.

There's this guy I met in high school. He video taped my classes dance presentation so we could all get DVDs. As I was the only male dancer, he figure that made us automatic friends (I guess). This is not true. We're merely aquaitances. I have no need or wantto know anything about him away from that last year of highschool when he recorded my dance.

I've told him this before, but he doesn't seem to get it.

Then I found out (first day of college; two years ago) he was in the same program (and classes) as me; and I was just so happy to know I had a friend in college.


As second semester ended I asked out my now girlfriend (for 1 year, 4 months, and 6 days). God knows how he found out when he did... but he did, and had a class with Ashley before our first date.
To her, he announce that he was surprised I hadn't told him about her, as he was my best friend. He then continued on to tell her to not go out with me, and gave various (stupid) reasons.
Unfortunately, all of his reasons contained previous girlfriends. So; in essence, I was having the ex-girlfriends talk, pre first date, and without being present.
Needless to say he was (and still is) interested in Ashley to a creepy extent. I won't go into details.

Later on (fall semester) he made many passes towards Ashley, knowing - full well - we were still dating.
I'm sorry, but there's a fucking line.

Get this, he added me on Facebook just the other day.
I have never made better use of the ignore button in my life.

You'll be pleased to know I didn't write him a message or anything, although I really did want to. Now, if he writes me all "Dude! Why didn't you add me? We're best buds! Why'd you delete me before?" I'll give him a damn good piece of my mind.


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